考试指南可在CNCF网站上的[Kubernetes认证考试页面](https://www.cncf.io/certification/kubernetes/)找到。 ## 4. 购买考试 在通过阅读考试指南获取了必要的信息后,我们可以通过CNCF网站购买认证考试。以下是相应的代码示例: ```shell # 导航至认证考试购买页面 $ open https://www.cncf.io/certification/kubernete...
写操作 节点和节点状态(通过 NodeRestriction 准入控制插件限制 kubelet 修改自身的节点) pods 和 pods 状态(通过 NodeRestriction 准入控制插件限制 kubelet 修改自身调度的 pods) events 认证操作 TLS bootstrapping 读写访问 certificationsigningrequests API 检查和创建 tokenreviews and subjectaccessreviews 认证授权的...
Kubernetes 是云原生(Cloud Native Computing)哲学的体现,通过容器技术和抽象的 IaaS 接口,屏蔽了底层基础设施的细节和差异,可实现多环境部署并可以在多环境之间灵活迁移;这样一方面可以实现跨域、多环境的高可用多活灾备,另一方面帮助用户不必被某个云厂商、底层环境所绑定。 如图7 所示,在中国的容器调研受访企业中,裸机...
“Kubernetes, the open source cloud computing tool, had the fastest growth in job searches, rising 173% from a year before. ”– Hiringlab.org A Kubernetes Certification (CKAD) can take your career to a whole new level. Learn, practice, and get certified on Kubernetes with hands-on labs ...
Recently, Digital China passed the certification of KCSP (Kubernetes Certified Service Provider), and officially became a Kubernetes service provider officially certified by CNCF (Cloud-Native Computing Foundation). Passing the review of KCSP this time marks that Digital China’s profound technical streng...
Profitez de nos essais gratuits de produits Red Hat pour renforcer votre expérience pratique, préparer une certification ou évaluer l'adéquation d'un produit avec les besoins de votre entreprise. En savoir plus Qu'est-ce qu'un cluster Kubernetes ?
CNCF还为各个供应商提供了 Kubernetes 软件一致性(https://www.cncf.io/certification/software-conformance/)计划,以证明他们的软件能与 Kubernetes 的各个 API 实现 100% 兼容。 对于企业内部而言,我们最好将稳定的版本使用到生产环境之中。但是,有些团队可能需要具有 pre-GA (译者注:pre-General Availability, 发...
About Kubernetes (CKA) Certification Course In alliance with The Linux Foundation, CNCF or the Cloud Native Computing Foundation created a program named CKA, which is the acronym for Certified Kubernetes Administrator with the ultimate aim of helping develop the ecosystem of Kubernetes. The use of ...
Find out if your managed Kubernetes provider has a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) certification. Clouds certified by CNCF can demonstrate that their Kubernetes clusters conform to CNCF standards. CNCF-certified clusters conform to other Kubernetes installations. They provide timely updates and ...