Adottare Kubernetes insieme ad altri componenti essenziali, come Red Hat OpenShift, consente alle aziende di sfruttare al meglio i vantaggi del cloud ibrido.
Kubernetes is a container management system meant to be deployed on Docker-capable clustered environments. In this guide, we will discuss some of the basic …
Distributed computing is a technology which contributes new stack of computing placed on virtualization of assets. With the most recent pattern of building up the applications on cloud, which empower the customer to get to it in an expanding way, by this the heap climbing quickly on the servers...
1 生产级别 说k8s 是生产级别有如下几个原因: k8s 是 Google 开源的系统,基于 Google 的 Borg 和 Omega系统设计,这套系统已经在 Google 内部运行了10年以上,并还在支持Google 每周数十亿容器的运行。 k8s 是 CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation)的首个毕业项目。 k8s 在2015年6月发布首个生产级成熟版本1....
他们是 Helm 的核心贡献者,与微软和谷歌一起,Helm 是由 Cloud Native Computing Foundation 论坛维护的 Kubernetes 的包管理器,我们知道来自第二章 Kubernetes 简介。您可以在找到Kubeless 网站。Kubeless 命令Kubeless 命令行客户端有几个命令。在我们使用 Kubeless 在 Kubernetes 上启动我们的第一个无服务...
It covers OKE networking requirements and OKE administration that are specific to Compute Cloud@Customer. For more information about Kubernetes in Oracle, see What is Kubernetes?. For more general information about Kubernetes, see the Kubernetes site. OKE Overview The OKE service uses Kubernetes, the...
Today, Kubernetes—which means “helmsman” or “pilot” in ancient Greek—is managed by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), an arm of the Linux Foundation. Kubernetes was the first graduated project for the CNCF, and it became one of the fastest growing open source projects in ...
“Kubernetes(常简称为 K8s)是用于自动部署、扩展和管理容器化(containerized)应用程序的开源系统。该系统由 Google 设计并捐赠给 Cloud Native Computing Foundation(今属Linux基金会)来使用。”这是维基百科上对 Kubernetes 的介绍。 “它将组成应用程序的容器组合成逻辑单元,以便于管理和服务发现,Kubernetes 构建在 Go...
是用于自动部署、扩缩和管理容器化应用程序的开源系统。最初由Google设计并捐赠给Cloud Native Computing ...
Kubernetes是一款开源的容器编排系统,能够自动化地部署、扩展和管理容器化的应用程序。它最初由Google设计和开发,现在由Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)维护。 Kubernetes最初由Google设计和开发。Google内部的Borg系统启发了Kubernetes的设计,并帮助Google处理了数百万个容器实例的管理。Kubernetes项目于2014年6月正...