resource-capacity/view-utilization 观察node/pod/namespace 等的资源申请和使用情况 ➜ kubectl resource-capacity --pods NODE NAMESPACE POD CPU REQUESTS CPU LIMITS MEMORY REQUESTS MEMORY LIMITS * * * 39728m (45%) 52108m (59%) 85069Mi (43%) 111368Mi (56%) * * 762m (19%) 12...
kubectl top node [node-name] # Node name is optional; without shows table of all nodes # Get node information kubectl get node 使用Deployments, DaemonSets 和 StatefulSets 部署、守护程序集和有状态集是 Kubernetes 中的更高级别的抽象,用于管理应用程序工作负载的部署和扩展。 # Restart a workload (...
➜ kubectl view-utilization node -h CPU : ▄▆▄▇▃▃▆▃▅▂▆▃ Memory: ▇▅▂▆▁▃▃▄▇▂▇▃ CPU Memory Node Req %R Lim %L Req %R Lim %L 0.76 19% 1.3 31% 600M 8% 2.5G 36% 6.9 43% 8.3 52% 23G 78% 25G 86% 1 25% 3.3 82% 1G...
kubectl get nodes -w# Node Resource Utilization kubectl top node [node-name]# Get Node Resource kubectl describe node [node-name]# Working with Deployments, Daemonsets, and StatefulSets# Restart Workload kubectl rollout restart -n [namespace] [kind]/[name]# Rollout Status kubectl rollout statu...
# Show node resource utilizationkubectltopnode[node-name]# Node name is optional; without shows table of all nodes# Get node informationkubectl get node 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 使用Deployments, DaemonSets 和 StatefulSets 部署、守护程序集和有状态集是 Kubernetes 中的更高级别的抽象,用于管理应用程序工作...
>kubectl-view-allocations -h kubectl plugin to list allocations (cpu, memory, gpu,... X utilization, requested, limit, allocatable,...) Usage: kubectl-view-allocations [OPTIONS] Options: --context<CONTEXT>The name of the kubeconfig context to use -n, --namespace<NAMESPACE>Show only pods...
Problems with memory output etopeter/kubectl-view-utilization#56 Closed lllamnyp commented Nov 9, 2020 I do not think this is a problem. In a comment above we see kubeReserved: cpu: 750m memory: 1.3Gi Now 1.3Gi is a non-integer amount of bytes, specifically 2 ** 30 * 13 / ...
使node1节点不可调度,并重新分配该节点上的pod kubectl drain node node1 --ignore-daemonsets --delete-local-data kubectl rollout 查看deployment的历史记录 kubectl rollout history deployment/abc 查看daemonset修订版3的详细信息 kubectl rollout history daemonset/abc --revision=3 查看deployment的状态 kubectl ro...
source<(kubectl completionbash)# 在 bash 中设置当前 shell 的自动补全,要先安装 bash-completion 包。 echo"source <(kubectl completion bash)">> ~/.bashrc# 在您的 bash shell 中永久的添加自动补全 1. 2. 您还可以为 kubectl 使用一个速记别名,该别名也可以与 completion 一起使用: ...
no target CPU utilization specified so a default autoscaling policy will be used:kubectl autoscale deployment foo --min=2 --max=10# Auto scale a replication controller "foo", with the number of pods between 1 and 5, target CPU utilization at 80%:kubectl autoscale rc foo --max=5 --cpu...