2.2. 退出node 退出容器,容器会被自动删除。 # exitlogoutpod default/nsenter-9yqytp terminated(Error)pod"nsenter-9yqytp"deleted 3. 原理 容器是弱隔离,共享节点的内核,通过cgroup和namespace来实现进程级别的隔离。那么通过在特权容器里执行nsenter的命令,则可以通过登录特权容器来实现登录node的shell环境。
有时候可能会在生产环境中的k8s的node节点对docker文件daemon.json进行更改并且重启或者node节点出现其他故障,但是该node节点上有很多pod还在跑着,这时候就需要用到drain和uncordon两个命令drain:释放排空node上所有pod,并且不接收新的pod进程 uncordon:恢复node,恢复接收新的pod进程kubectl drain在对节点执行维护之前,可以...
NODE NAMESPACE POD CPU REQUESTS CPU LIMITS MEMORY REQUESTS MEMORY LIMITS * * * 39728m (45%) 52108m (59%) 85069Mi (43%) 111368Mi (56%) * * 762m (19%) 1252m (31%) 585Mi (8%) 2399Mi (34%) kube-system ccs-log-collector-r4w6m 300m (7%) 1000m (25%...
$ kubectl run nginx--replicas=3--labels="app=example"--image=nginx:1.10--port=80示例,运行一个名称为nginx,副本数为3,标签为app=example,镜像为nginx:1.10,端口为80的容器实例,并绑定到k8s-node1上 $ kubectl run nginx--image=nginx:1.10--replicas=3--labels="app=example"--port=80--overrides='...
The collected data passes through a central Fluentd pipeline so that it can be enhanced with metadata about information – like container, pod, node, cluster, service namespace, and deployment – before being sent to Sumo Logic. To get started, log into your Sumo Logic account or create one...
kubectlwithsudo.kubectldoesn't need any special permissions, and is interacting entirely with a remote server over an HTTPS connection. Kubernetes tends to take over the system it runs on, so even if you somehow were runningkubectlagainst a local apiserver, being logged into the node at all wo...
uncordon Mark nodeasschedulable drain Drain nodeinpreparationformaintenance taint Update the taints on one or more nodes Troubleshooting and Debugging Commands: describe Show details of a specific resource or group of resources logs Print the logsfora containerina pod ...
Yes, you have to firstly check the node to which pod has been scheduled against that microservice. kubectl -n namespace get pods -o wide Once you get the node, try to setup an ssh connection with the node, this link can be used to do it. Then you can execute following command i...
$ kubectl get node 显示node节点的标签信息 $ kubectl get node --show-labels 查看pod详细信息,也就是可以查看pod具体运行在哪个节点上(ip地址信息) $ kubectl get pod -o wide 查看服务的详细信息,显示了服务名称,类型,集群ip,端口,时间等信息
Kubernetes resourceswithkubesec.io. available15match-nameMatchnames of podsandother API objects available16mtail Tail logsfrommultiple pods matching label sel... available17node-admin List nodesandrun privileged podwithchroot available18oidc-login LoginforOpenID Connect authentication available19open-svc ...