KTM - 990 Adventure - 2007 該摩托車位於意大利雷焦艾米利亞。意大利和國外的送貨上門選擇 KTM - 990 冒險製造年份:2007。底盤號:VBKVA44017M933637. 摩托車保存完好,處於完美的工作狀態。 包含的部件: - 原廠排氣管 - 兩個側袋 - Akrapovic 的 DB 殺手 輪胎是新的。最近檢查了閥門。懸架、離合器和製動卡...
If you’re looking for a high-performance motorcycle that’s lightweight and compact, one that specializes in adventure touring with the ability to explore further offroad when the asphalt ends, then look no further than the 2019KTM 790 ADVENTURE. With its all new chassis,WP43 mmAPEXopen car...
5寸TFT全彩液晶仪表在790 Adventure / R也没有缺席。从外观上看来,两车皆可看出承自当代KTM的裂脸基因,车壳设计精简俐落,值得注意的是,无论过往的990 Adventure、现行的1090 Adventure,车壳皆是由头灯延伸至车侧的设计,而790 Adventure / R则是采用类似越野车分离式的外观。说到ADV,护弓的配置可不能少...
Anfrage senden Garantieaktion kostenlos! Bis zu 4 Jahre sorgenfrei fahren! Derzeit bekommst du zu vielen Bikes beim Neukauf das 3. und 4. Jahr Garantie kostenlos dazu. Zum Beispiel: bei der KTM 1290 Super Adventure S gibt es 2+2 Jahre Garantie, im Gegenwert von 718€ (Normalpreis einer ...
还记得2018米兰车展前,KTM于官方YOUTUBE上发布了一部预告790 Adventure R影片“YOU SPOKE, WE LISTENED.”影片中几位骑着同为KTM车款的骑士们,述说他们想象中最渴望的ADV应该如何如何,如今,胆敢自称“rider’s company”的车厂—KTM,响应了他们的祈求,推出790 Adventure以及更野、更过动的790 Adventure R,赐予...
还记得2018米兰车展前,KTM于官方YOUTUBE上发布了一部预告790 Adventure R影片“YOU SPOKE, WE LISTENED.”影片中几位骑着同为KTM车款的骑士们,述说他们想象中最渴望的ADV应该如何如何,如今,胆敢自称“rider’s company”的车厂—KTM,响应了他们的祈求,推出790 Adventure以及更野、更过动的790 Adventure R,赐予...
还记得2018米兰车展前,KTM于官方YOUTUBE上发布了一部预告790 Adventure R影片“YOU SPOKE, WE LISTENED.”影片中几位骑着同为KTM车款的骑士们,述说他们想象中最渴望的ADV应该如何如何,如今,胆敢自称“rider’s company”的车厂—KTM,响应了他们的祈求,推出790 Adventure以及更野、更过动的790 Adventure R,赐予...
Hello yamaha top speed is 196 I reaceny watched on YouTube you bledy cheating srevatsen s 10 years ago i think its 100% worth for this price vishnu 11 years ago there is a rear seat which is made of a special foam guys Raja 11 years ago this is the competition for Kava...
Despite only having ridden a 200 EXC, a 390 Duke, and a 690 SMC, I’ve always thought that the original LC4 Duke must be a riot to ride, the KTM 990 Adventure would be more to my liking than a BMW GS, and that if I were going to buy a supermoto, it’d be a 450 EXC. But...
I cant say anything about service costs; but its going to be a lot cheaper to service than my ex KTM 990 Adventure. Tax is cheap and fuel consumption is around 70mpg Equipment 3 out of 5 Its a basic bike with ABS . The LCD display I am not too enthusiastic about but the info is...