Chinese Aerospace Pack (KCAP) KIS:全称为Kerbal Inventory System;KIS通过添加全新的库存系统和 EVA 可用物品作为工具引入了新的游戏机制。你想从头开始在 Duna 上建造一辆漫游者吗?或者您忘记了在行星站上安装太阳能电池板?有了KIS,这不是问题! KIS https://forum.kerba...
System Heat - 主Mod的翻译补全 VAB Organizer - 很好的部件分类 Mod,添加了主 Mod 翻译以及同作者 如 NF 系列 Mod 的与其相关的翻译 Cryo Tanks - 对自带翻译的修正,特别是“氢气”的修正,以及若干错误修正。 Kerballoons - 为游戏添加 气球 部件的 Mod。部件和硬编码翻译,部分信息写死在.csv文件中,但又不...
RealFuels,真实燃料, RealHeat,真实热力学, RealPlume,真实的发动机尾气特效, SmokeScreen,改进版的粒子特效, 在CKAN上安装如下Mod: ClickThroughBlocker,...
@Eskandare- Kerbin Side Remastered (KSR), Eskandare Aerospace (EA), Carrier Vessel Expansion (CVX), Unnamed Submersible Base Mod (Unreleased), Unnamed O'Neill Station Experimental Mod, Thermonuclear Turbine (TTX), Kerbal Rotor Expansion (KRX), Kerbal Shuttle Orbiter System (KSOS) @EStreetRockets...
Fix the whole kerbal inventory persistence system being inactive in KSP 1.12.2+. This cause multiple issues, like being able to bypass kerbal inventories mass/volume limits, and various cargo part duplication / disappearance issues when EVAing / boarding. RoboticsDrift [KSP 1.12.0 - 1.12.5]...
In addition to those two mods I have a huge customized modpack including interstellar engines from Far Future Technologies, a modified version of Beyond Home that adds its system not as a replacement to the stock system but as an addition to it and many more. For other p...
Finally, the Tempo parameter of a preset must be set to System, rather than a specific tempo, for this to work. You can set this inside a preset, or set it with a Quick or MOD. 1-8 Getting to Know Your KSP8 KSP8 Front Panel SmartMedia Card Slot You can use 3.3v SmartMedia...
It includes a heat shield for atmospheric reentry, a propulsion system for the journey home, and parachutes for a controlled landing. Launch Vehicle: The launch vehicle for Project Phoenix is the Kerbodyne S3 KS-25x4 "Mammoth" liquid fuel engine. It provides the necessary thrust to lift ...
the Kerbal Space Center, return a craft without heat shield from Duna, or beat SpaceX at their own game by flying back the first stage of a rocket to the launch pad. 配置要求 Minimum: OS:Windows XP Processor:Core 2 Duo Memory:2 GB RAM ...
. If b Mod 2=0 Then . F1=1 . Else . F1=0 . End If . End Function . D.Private Sub Command1_Click() . x=InputBox(“请输入整数”) . F1 (Val(x)) . Print a . End Sub . Function F1(ByRef b As Integer) . If b Mod 2=0 Then . Return 0 . Else ...