@Pehvbot- Less Real Than Realism, Less Real Test Flight, Rackmount @pizzaoverhead- Atmospheric Sound Enhancement, Battery Indicator, CollisionFX, FreeIVA, KerbTrack,RCSSounds, Reentry Particle Effect, Sound Overhaul, Soundtrack Editor, Water Sounds, Wheel Sounds @Poodmund- Outer Planets Mod, ReS...
This save will be mostly normal difficulty, but with Kerbal G limits, plasma blackout, and no Kerbal respawn. I also have a bunch of mods, but the most important ones are Kerbalism, Outer Planets Mod and Exploration Plus. The full modlist is here: ...
wanted their fictional craft to also have some kind of artificial gravity. The only problem was, they weren’t sure what that would actually look like. So they reached out to [Scott], who in turn used KSP to throw together a rough idea of how such a ship might work in the real-...
This will guarantee the load order. One benefit is that KSP will output a warning and won't load an assembly if it's dependencies aren't met (which may be better than puking out a bunch of exceptions). The only other real problem with the forced to the top of the sort list method ...