【2015-02-1..弄了3次,就差重装系统,终于用上这MDO:Outer Planets Mod,它加入了四颗新的行星(Sarnus、Urlum、Neidon、Plock)以及各自的卫星原版只有7颗行星(其中有2颗还不能
我们还想承认,第三方 MOD 加载器已经被创建并正在被社区的一些成员使用,但我们认为,重要的是 KSP2 开发团队提供一个完全支持并集成到游戏中的官方 MOD 加载器。作为一个长期存在的社区,KSP1 MOD 开发人员一直非常合作,并共同努力寻找在 MOD 开发社区内使用服务插件/部件/游戏玩法等的平台,以管理和沟通的方式满足 ...
ExplorationUnlessCrashKSP是一个星系整合包,包含大量的天体,你可以在宇宙中畅游(配合H***E***更佳)MOD包含: KerbalGalaxy v2_0.5 OuterPlanetsMod v1.7.2 ModuleManager v2.6.6然后,你光说这个有个卵用啊,上图啊好好好,我上图(图是谁) ---我会说我在逗你吗~ 2楼2015-08-11 12:42 回复 果酱 ...
弄了3次,就差重装系统,终于用上这MDO:Outer Planets Mod,它加入了四颗新的行星(Sarnus、Urlum、Neidon、Plock)以及各自的卫星 原版只有7颗行星 来自坎巴拉太空计划吧 iauqoppn 2209920555SHE02-15 没有更多了当前话题未上榜 1BLG德杯总冠军2056770 2尔滨没底线,但是3天60亿1487149 3陆毅空降贴吧庆生1457680...
Mod details Description The first of six installments in the Outer Planets eXpansion project (OPX), OPX-JoolPlus presents a major improvement (at least in my eyes) to the previously unrealistic and oftentimes bland Jool system. Additions include: ...
heavy SPT a single giant rocket launch was used while the MKT was shipped up using the already existing cargoSSTOdesign. The cargoSSTOmission was repeated many times using the routine mission manager mod, having to normally fly this mission ~20 times would have simply been w...
The rest of the build is equally well detailed, with a CNC’d front panel, toggle switches and missile switch covers, with everything connected to an Arduino Mega. This Arduino interfaces the switches to the game with thekRPC mod, which creates a script-driven interface to the game. So, ...