为了评估主要疗效终点,将所有3组(每3、4、5个月给药一次)的KSI-301患者汇集在一起,并将其BCVA作为一组与aflibercept组(每2个月给药一次)进行比较。 结果表明,尽管KSI-301表现出很强的持久性,安全且耐受性良好,但并没有达到主要疗效终点:与接受每2个月一次aflibercept治疗的患者相比,接受KSI-301长间隔方案治疗...
Tarcocimab tedromer (KSI-301) 5mg: outcomes of the Phase 3 GLOW Study in patients with non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy.Purpose : Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the leading cause of blindness in the working-age population. It is estimated that 10 million adults have diabetic retinopathy in...
The Phase 2b/3 DAZZLE study is a global, multi-center, randomized study designed to evaluate the efficacy, durability and safety of KSI-301 in patients with treatment-naïve wet AMD. Patients are randomized to receive either KSI-301 on an individualized d...
KSI 301, KSI-301, KSI301, OG1953 Developer Kodiak Sciences Clinical domain Ophthalmology Immunology; Application Therapeutic Clinical indication Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), neovascular (wet) Diabetic macular edema Development status Phase 3 Drug description Tarcocimab Tedromer is an angiogene...
企业类型:个体经营 公司地区:中国 广东 佛山 主营产品:计数器,温控器,马达,控制器,低压开关,工业自动化配件 进入店铺 产品分类 船舶专用仪器仪 仓储笼、巧固架 打磨机 相关产品更多>> 供应:`HIQUEL`液位监测继电器 B1900131 TCL3-ST-24VDC 供应:`JSB`JOHNS BARNES` 液压齿轮泵: 12189 582256 ...
该试验中,KSI-301安全且耐受性良好,没有发现新的安全信号。(生物谷Bioon.com) 原文出处:Kodiak Sciences Announces Top-Line Results from its initial Phase 2b/3 Study of KSI-301 in Patients with Neovascular (Wet) Age-Related Macular Degeneration...
It progresses to examine a new agent, KSI-301 and the results from numerous clinical trials in these disease areas. Expert opinion:Despite varied results in the phase 2b/3 study for nAMD, there is potential for KSI-301 to serve as a durable therapy for VEGF-mediated retinal disorders. ...
Conclusions : Ongoing results of the Phase 1b study demonstrate that KSI-301 provides strong functional and anatomical outcomes with an excellent safety profile and remarkable biological durability. Recruitment of a pivotal study in wAMD comparing KSI-301 every 3-5 months vs aflibercept every 2 ...