AuditLogs | Sort by timeGenerated desc Where field (運算式) value 主要的篩選命令。 指定欄位、運算式和比較子值。 您可堆疊多個 where 命令,並以直立線符號來分隔。 AuditLogs | where CreatedDateTime >= ago(2d) project fields 如果想要將結果集限制為只顯示特定欄位或資料行,則可利用以逗號分隔的欄...
StormEvents | sort by StartTime desc | where DamageProperty > 5000 | project StartTime, State, EventType, DamageProperty, Source | take 10 在結果窗格中,選取幾個數值數據格。 數據表方格可讓您選取多個數據列、數據行和儲存格,並計算其匯總。 數值支援下列函式:Average、Count、Min、Max 和Sum。從...
MDE KQL 使用案例 查找程序的 网络通信情况 DeviceNetworkEvents| where Timestamp >ago(30d)| where InitiatingProcessFileName =="example.exe"|project Timestamp, DeviceName, InitiatingProcessFileName, RemoteIP, RemotePort, RemoteUrl| sort by Timestamp desc DeviceNetworkEvents| where ActionType has""| ...
例子:where Timestamp > ago(7d) 3.数据处理 数据聚合: 使用summarize子句对数据进行聚合,通常与by子句一起使用,后者指定聚合的键。 例子:summarize Count = count() by UserId 数据排序: 使用sort by或order by对结果进行排序。 例子:sort by Count desc 连接其他数据: 使用join子句将当前的数据集与另一个数...
summarize LastActivity = max(TimeGenerated) by ResourceProvider, ResourceGroup | join kind = innerunique( AzureActivity | summarize Operations = count() by ResourceGroup, ResourceProvider) on ResourceGroup, ResourceProvider |project ResourceProvider, ResourceGroup, Operations, LastActivity |sort by ...
| extend LastLogoffOfTheDay=TimeGenerated| join kind=inner FirstLogonOfTheDay on Date, TargetUserName//| where TargetUserName =~ 'jsmith'| project Date, TargetUserName, FirstLogonOfTheDay, LastLogoffOfTheDay, SourceSystem, Account, AccountType, Computer, EventSourceName, Channel| sort by ...
KQL(Kusto Query Language)是一种用于查询和分析大规模数据的查询语言,它是Azure数据资源管理器(Azure Data Explorer)的查询语言。KQL数组拆分为多列是指将一个包含多个元素的KQL数组拆分为多个列,每列包含数组中的一个元素。 在KQL中,可以使用mv-expand函数来实现将KQL数组拆分为多列的操作。mv-expand函数可以将数...
agoReturns the time offset relative to the time the query executes. For example,ago(1h)is one hour before the current clock's reading.ago(a_timespan) format_datetimeReturns data invarious date formats.format_datetime(datetime , format)
By the end of the workbook, your knowledge will be at a 200 level. </br>\r\n\r\nThis workbook will be a living resource in that it will continue to be improved over time based on feedback, requests, and newly introduced scenarios. The version of this workbook is currently <b>V1.1...