You can use below query to get the latest Timegenerated for a particular ComputerName_s irrespective of the AppName_s. let a= datatable (Id:int, ComputerName_s:string,AppName_s:string,AppVersion_s:int,TimeGenerated:datetime) [ 1,"Dell","Google Chrome",2,datetime(8/1/2023), 2,'Dell...
let FirstLogonOfTheDay=SecurityEvent | where TimeGenerated between (startofday(ago(2d)) .. endofday(ago(1h))) | where AccountType == 'User' and EventID in (4624, 4625) | extend Date=format_datetime(TimeGenerated, 'dd-MM-yyyy') | summarize arg_min(TimeGenerated, *) by TargetUserNa...
let FirstLogonOfTheDay=SecurityEvent | where TimeGenerated between (startofday(ago(2d)) .. endofday(ago(1h))) | where AccountType == 'User' and EventID in (4624, 4625) | extend Date=format_datetime(TimeGenerated, 'dd-MM-yyyy') | summarize arg_min(TimeGenerated, *) by TargetUserNa...
SigninLogs |whereTimeGenerated >ago(14d) |whereUserPrincipalName ==""|whereResultType =="0"|summarizeSigninCount=count()bybin(TimeGenerated,1d) |renderareachart Column charts and bar charts can also be used with time data. You will get a column or bar per time '...
Kusto 查询语言 (KQL) 是使用 Microsoft Sentinel 的驱动语言。尽管类似于 SQL,但新用户仍必须学习和...
This query looks for all signin logs over the last 14 days, that have as the UserPrincipalname, that are successful and then returns the latest record. SigninLogs | where TimeGenerated > ago(14d) | where UserPrincipalName == "" | where...
or Template but not both.Template:|-SigninLogs| where UserDisplayName == '{{user}}' or UserPrincipalName == '{{user}}' | project TimeGenerated, OperationName, UserDisplayName, UserPrincipalName, Location, ResourceDisplayName, ConditionalAccessStatus, IsInteractive | top 100 by TimeGenerated ...
generated.runtime.Properties Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataBoundary.Models Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataBoundary.Runtime Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataBoundary.Runtime.Cmdlets Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataBoundary.Runtime.Json Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cm...
This query looks for all signin logs over the last 14 days, that have as the UserPrincipalname, that are successful and then returns the latest record.SigninLogs | where TimeGenerated > ago(14d) | where UserPrincipalName == "" | where...
AzureActivity | summarize LastActivity = max(TimeGenerated) by ResourceProvider, ResourceGroup | join kind = innerunique( AzureActivity | summarize Operations = count() by ResourceGroup, ResourceProv... I'm struggling a bit with geo ip since it takes a big performance hit. ...