This query looks for all signin logs over the last 14 days, that have as the UserPrincipalname, that are successful and then returns the latest record. SigninLogs | where TimeGenerated > ago(14d) | where UserPrincipalName == "" | where...
let ThreatFox = externaldata(URL: string ) [""] with (format="txt", ignoreFirstRecord=True); let ThreatFoxUrl = ThreatFox | where URL contains "url" | extend URL = replace_string(URL, "\"", "") | extend parse_csv(URL) | extend ...
\nIn this query we get just the latest record for the time range selected. This is useful if you only need the latest (arg_max) or earliest (arg_min) records, and doesn’t retrieve a lot of unwanted data, the “*” in the second para...
This query looks for all signin logs over the last 14 days, that havereprise_99@testdomain.comas the UserPrincipalname, that are successful and then returns the latest record. SigninLogs |whereTimeGenerated >ago(14d) |whereUserPrincipalName ==""|whereResultType =="...
country_iso_code:string,country_name:string,is_anonymous_proxy:string,is_satellite_provider:string) [@""] with (ignoreFirstRecord=true, format="csv")); ...
This query looks for all signin logs over the last 14 days, that have as the UserPrincipalname, that are successful and then returns the latest record.SigninLogs | where TimeGenerated > ago(14d) | where UserPrincipalName == "" | where...
To achieve this in KQL, you can use the "union" operator. Here's how you can try to modify your queries to get the desired output: let AUGUPDATES=Update|whereUpdateState=="Installed"|whereKBID=="5029242"|project Computer,Aug_Installed=UpdateState;let SEPTUPDATES=Update|whereUpdateState==...
AiTM & BEC threat hunting with KQL The evolving phishing threat is relentless and continues to grow each year. Attackers have been changing their tactics, techniques, and procedures, moving from traditional phishing to more advanced t...
(7d)))|where DataType=="Alert"|summarize7daysAgo=count(),min(TimeGenerated),max(TimeGenerated)by DataType|join(Usage// just data from midnight TODAY until now|where TimeGenerated>startofday(now())|where DataType=="Alert"// get the last record from today|summarize ...
\nIn this query we get just the latest record for the time range selected. This is useful if you only need the latest (arg_max) or earliest (arg_min) records, and doesn’t retrieve a lot of unwanted data, the “*” in the second par...