Excellent answerCliveWatson I'm using this in a Jupyter notebook for creating customized reports for our customers. I still have one question that is: how to call a workspace from a string variable. For example: let variableName = 'workspaceNameX'; workspace(vari...
Thankyou for reply. If i want to add some more field in alert like IPAddress, Location etc.. so where i ahve to edit. could you please edit so i will update again accordingly.
Koen Verbeeck is a seasoned business intelligence consultant working at AE in Belgium. He has over a decade of experience in the Microsoft Data Platform, both on-premises as in Azure. Koen has helped clients in different types of industries to get better and quicker insights in their data. ...
// Use 'take' to view a sample number of records in the table and check the data. tempdatatbl | where entryTime > now(-2h) | summarize ptemperature = avg(temperature), phumidity = avg(humidity) by bin(entryTime, 1s) 注意 10 個のセンサー...
// Use 'take' to view a sample number of records in the table and check the data.tempdatatbl |whereentryTime >now(-2h) |summarizeptemperature =avg(temperature), phumidity =avg(humidity)bybin(entryTime,1s) 备注 使用运算符avg,因为每秒会有 10 台传感器设备发出数据。
Cyberworm Copper Contributor May 05, 2024 I am trying to explore file creation events where the query should check for file creation events in a folder. The query should catch if there are two files created in the same folder and files names starts with same name before first dot and one...
or add a dummy record to the table. as long as something exists it works doesnt need to match. | where | where User !in (AuditSearch) thanks Lee let AuditSearch=materialize(AuditLogs|distinct OperationName);let fake_=datatable(name:string)['fake value'];unionisfuzzy=trueAuditSearch,fake...
The data rows for the source table are filtered by the value of the StartTime column and then filtered by the value of the State column. In the last line, the query returns a table with a single column and a single row that contains the count of the remaining rows....
is separated by a pipe. The data rows for the source table are filtered by the value of theStartTimecolumn and then filtered by the value of theStatecolumn. In the last line, the query returns a table with a single column and a single row that contains the count of the remaining rows...
Check the time/days in the KQL editordmarquesgn The asset inventory is last 30 days, whereas you may have your KQL query set to last 7 days or something. If it's not that, then pass. Thanks for the tip. The issue is certainly because of the 30 days of data which is ret...