Hi, I am trying to modify the below KQL query to use as a scheduled log analytics rule in Microsoft Sentinel to only trigger an incident when more than...
A shorthand exists that allows us to easily search a single field for multiple values. response:(200 or 404) searches for docs where the response field matches 200 or 404. We can also search for docs with multi-value fields that contain a list of terms, for example: tags:(success and i...
A shorthand exists that allows us to easily search a single field for multiple values. response:(200 or 404)searches for docs where theresponsefield matches 200 or 404. We can also search for docs with multi-value fields that contain a list of terms, for example:tags:(success and info an...
AzureActivity | summarize LastActivity = max(TimeGenerated) by ResourceProvider, ResourceGroup | join kind = innerunique( AzureActivity | summarize...
For example, the range A..B represents a set of values from A to B where both A and B are inclusive. For date ranges this means from the beginning of day A to the end of day B. DateTime Integer Decimal Double Specifying property values ...
For example, the range A..B represents a set of values from A to B where both A and B are inclusive. For date ranges this means from the beginning of day A to the end of day B. DateTime Integer Decimal Double Specifying property values ...
I got multiple issues with the fact Kibana is case sensitive. There are few use cases where it is important but for most users it's an obstacle requires them to know how exactly the value was entered. I prefer option A a. Set this flag to be the default in all KQL wildcard searches...
While most KQL operations are carried out across a single log table, you can use union or join statements to work with multiple tables at the same time. This lets you start to correlate data across logs, where the signals of an attack might be more obvious. ...
In Real-Time Intelligence, you interact with your data in the context of eventhouses, databases, and tables. A single workspace can hold multiple Eventhouses, an eventhouse can hold multiple databases, and each database can hold multiple tables....
For example, the range A..B represents a set of values from A to B where both A and B are inclusive. For date ranges this means from the beginning of day A to the end of day B. DateTime Integer Decimal Double Specifying property values ...