关键 词: KPI 指标 人力资源 绩效考核 14 资源描述: 1、人力资源部门绩效考核指标人力资源部绩效指标2人力资源总监3考核指标设计3关键指标设计3量化指标设计4定性指标设计4人力资源部经理5考核指标设计5关键指标设计5量化指标设计6定向指标设计6招聘主管7考核指标设计7关键指标设计7量化指标设计8定性指标设计8培训主管9...
该【HR常用28个KPI指标解释 】是由【小辰GG】上传分享,文档一共【2】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【HR常用28个KPI指标解释 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。÷员工总数...
manager and GM The assessee should fill in the KPI sheet to have a self assessment and then hand in to immediate superiors and finally statistics by HR 2 Assessment Period Every half year Note mainly depend on the release time of merit pay i e the merit pay is released every half year ...
8、率达到 %以上3设计费用控制15%考核期内设计费用控制在预算范围之内4设计方案一次性通过率15%考核期内设计方案一次性通过率在 %以上5设计制作出错率15%考核期内累计不超过 %6人均图纸产量10%考核期内人均图纸产量保证在 张7客户满意率10%考核期内客户满意度达到 分以上本次考核总得分考核指标说明被考核人考核人...
Here’s an example from Balanced Scorecard expert Carlos Guevara: “Once, in a Balanced Scorecard workshop, a Supply Chain Manager told me that one of her key objectives for the next year was to implement a new procurement system. She had even set out the measures and targets – in 15 ...
Teams Manager Teams-Spirit TeamsGPT Teamspective TeamSticker by Communitio Teamsy 스티커 TeamViewer TEDME TELUS Business Connect Templafy Template Chooser Tempus 리소스 Tenable Cloud Security Tendfor Tendium (텐티움) Testportal TextLocate The Captivate Hub The Mental Move ThinkBase ...
KPIs for sales and marketing executives are of top priority in analyzing the sales of either products or services. Out of many sales KPI dashboard templates, the following are the must track ones which no executive or manager is not supposed to neglect. Monthly sales Average Profit Margin Cost...
productivity can be displayed in anHR dashboard.These dashboards are unique because they often show metrics at varying levels, ranging from organization-wide data with the ability to drill down into team and individual information. The HR leadership team would be the audience for this dashboard....
Teams Manager Communitio 的 TeamSticker Teamsy 貼紙 TeamViewer TEDME tegolySIGN TELUS Business Connect TELUS Health One 範本 可租用的雲端安全性 Tendfor Captivate 中樞 The Mental Move ThinkBase Thinky365-Autotask Thinky365-ConnectWise Thinky365-Dynamics Thinky365-ServiceNow 全球化 地方 票證即服務 Ticke...