Suppose you want to convert 2600 kPa into pounds per square foot. Using the conversion formula above, you will get: Value in lbf/ft2 =2600 × 20.885434273039=54302.1pounds per square foot This converter can help you to get answers to questions like: ...
供应AXOR MCS-060-06/12-N-S-0117/TO-RD 自动控制器 供应ULTRAFILTER SMF15/30 滤芯 供应SAMSON 3730-311000001000 供应HARTING 09150043113 供应LAFERT B1018L-04141;18Nm;IP65/serial:613813 供应tuenkers V2 63.1 BR2 A42 T12 105Grad 供应BRILEX GE2000 205*290 供应waldmann 112560014 供应ROTEX 19 98SHA 1A...
+2 分享回复赞 机械吧 麦兜77bc E+H变送器PMP71-ABC1P21B3AAG配置概要及优势1S: “推荐”表40bar/4MPa/600psi.400mH2O/1334ftH2O/16000inH2O 过压极限值:160bar/16MPa/2400psiD: 铂金级C: 传感器量程; kPa/MPaCNJ: “推荐”DN25 PN10-40 B1, 316L 法兰 EN1092-1A:“推荐”316L... 分享回复赞 ...
To SDP CableP0912KA Serial To Parallel ConverterP0912KG Cable, Parallel PrinterP0912QV SPECTRUM Integrator For UCM1 (FBP11)P0912RG TR-3 tape For 1.6 Gb Internal Drive (70 Series)P0912SY BNC TerminatorP0912VK AW70 Printer Cable, 25 FtP0912VN AW70 Serial Cable To Modicon PLC, 12 FtP...
Answer to: The air in the cylinder shown below is initially at 300 kPa. Heat is added until the pressure increases to 900 kPa. Determine the work...
- - -Usage --- - -The *kMer* program has a large number of subcommands and options. See the help (`-h`) of this program for a full description of the parameters. - - -Unit tests --- - -To run the unit tests with [pytest](, just run -`py.test`. Or...
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Suppose you want to convert 1180 kPa into pounds per square foot. Using the conversion formula above, you will get: Value in lbf/ft2 =1180 × 20.885434273039=24644.8pounds per square foot This converter can help you to get answers to questions like: ...