Suppose you want to convert 0.63 kPa into pounds per square foot. Using the conversion formula above, you will get: Value in lbf/ft2 =0.63 × 20.885434273039=13.1578pounds per square foot This converter can help you to get answers to questions like: ...
0.15 kPa = 3.13282 lbf/ft2 Formula:multiply the value in kPa by the conversion factor '20.885434273'. So, 0.15 kPa = 0.15 × 20.885434273 =3.13281514095lbf/ft2. Conversion of 0.15 kPa to other pressure units 0.15 kPa = 0.00148 atm
ft, Feet g, Grams gal, Gallons (galons) gpm, Gallons per minute h, Hours ha, Hectares HP, Horse Power in, Inches J, Joules Kº, Kelvin Degrees kcal, Kilocalories kg, Kilograms kJ, Kilojoules km, Kilometers kp, Kiloponds kPa, Kilopascals ...
Physical atmospheres (atm)Bars (bar)Centimetres of water (cmH2O)Centimetres of mercury (cmHg)Feet of water (ftH2O)Hectopascals (hPa)Inches of water (inH2O)Inches of mercury (inHg)kgf/cm² (kgf/cm²)kgf/m² (kgf/m²)Kilopascals (kPa)Kilopounds per square inch (ksi)Metres of wate...
The difference between one millimeter of mercury and one torr, as well as between one atmosphere (101.325 kPa) and 760 mmHg (101.3250144354 kPa), is less than one part in seven million (or less than 0.000015%). This small difference is negligible for most applications outside metrology.Metric...
Convert Foot Of Water to Kilopascals (ftH2o in kPa). Foot Of Water and Kilopascals both are the units of PRESSURE. See the charts and tables conversion here!
ft, Feet in, Inches inH2O, Inch water column inHg, Inch mercury column kp, Kiloponds kPa, Kilopascal lbf, Pounds force mbar, Millibar mca, Metros columna agua (Spanish) mH2O, Meters columna de agua mm, Millimeters mmca, Milimetros columna agua (Spanish) ...
Physical atmospheres (atm)Bars (bar)Centimetres of water (cmH2O)Centimetres of mercury (cmHg)Feet of water (ftH2O)Hectopascals (hPa)Inches of water (inH2O)Inches of mercury (inHg)kgf/cm² (kgf/cm²)kgf/m² (kgf/m²)Kilopascals (kPa)Kilopounds per square inch (ksi)Metres of wate...
Convert as indicated: 14.69 psi to kPa Explain how to convert a measurement from cm^3 to liters. Give an example. How to convert 200mM to ions/cm^3 Convert 200,756,790 milligrams into kilograms. Perform the following conversions. (a) 6520 mL into L (b) 0.988 lbs into grams ...
kPa * MPa * bar * torr * mH2O * mmHg * psi * ksi Digital * bit * byte * kB * MB * GB * TB * KiB * MiB * GiB * TiB Illuminance * lx * ft-cd Parts-Per * ppm * ppb * ppt * ppq Voltage * V * mV * kV Current * A * mA * kA Power * W * mW * kW * MW *...