2008年,科特教授被《哈佛商业评论》中文网评为”对中国当代商业思想和实践有着广泛影响“的6位哈佛思想领袖之一。 1996年,Dr. John Kotter出版了变革管理史上一本重要的著作《Leading Change》,他在这本书里提出了企业变革的八步流程如下图。 敏捷转型(Agile Transformation),也是一种典型的变革。用变革八步法整理...
2008年,科特教授被《哈佛商业评论》中文网评为”对中国当代商业思想和实践有着广泛影响“的6位哈佛思想领袖之一。 John P. Kotter - 图片来自于网络 1996年,Dr. John Kotter出版了变革管理史上一本重要的著作《Leading Change》,他在这本书里提出了企业变革的八步流程如下图。 变革八步法 - Dr. John Kotter ...
However, they are important when it comes to the implementation of change. Following the Kotter’s Eight Step Change Model-plan will help organizations to succeed at implementing change. The first three steps of Kotter’s Eight Step Change Model are about creating the right climate for change, ...
Working at a meditation center, running an expedition in the Amazon, or hosting a YouTube cooking show. Who is your favorite leader/leadership expert? I really enjoy the nexus of traditional business and leadership research and the new opportunities provided by big data and scientific methods. We...
“Never have I read a parable in a business book that took a complex issue like change management and distilled it down into a simple story for all to understand. This is the ideal follow-on to Leading Change and The Heart of Change. A must-read for anyone dealing with managing change....