Kotlin do-while loop is the same as while loop, only one difference is there. while loop first checks the condition and then executes the block of the code, whereas do-while loop, first execute the block of the code then checks the condition. The syntax of the do-while loop in kotlin ...
当条件为真时,if表达式返回"am"值和if表达式之前的第一行代码,并用该值声明并初始化一个名为amOrPm的新的String类型。如果我们将time变量初始化为不小于 12(即 12 或更高)的任何值,那么返回的值将是来自else块的"pm"。如果将前面的代码复制粘贴到项目中,如onCreate函数,logcat 中的输出如下:...
Iterating through a String We can loop through a string to access each character using a for-in loop as shown below. 遍历字符串 我们可以使用for-in循环遍历字符串以访问每个字符,如下所示。 for(element in str){ println(element) } 1. 2. 3. (Escape characters in Kotlin Strings) Following ar...
To convert a string into a number there is no other way that trying to do that and catching the resulting exception, if the conversion fails. Since in Kotlin try is an expression, we can use the expression syntax for the function isNumeric. If the conversion succeeds, we k...
fun main(args: Array<String>) { for (i in 1..5) println(i) } It's possible to iterate through a range using for loop because ranges provides an iterator. To learn more, visit Kotlin iterators. Example: Different Ways to Iterate Through a Range fun main(args: Array<String>) { print...
fun main(args:Array<String>){val myArray=arrayOf("Steve","Robin","Kate","Lucy")for(ninmyArray.indices){println("myArray[$n]: ${myArray[n]}")}} Output: Function withIndex() in for loop In the above example we have iterated through the array using array indices. Another way of ...
* See http://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/control-flow.html#while-loops */ fun main(args: Array<String>) { var i = 0 while (i < args.size) println(args[i++]) } /** * For loop iterates through anything that provides an iterator. * See http://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/...
Kotlin string looping A Kotlin string is a sequence of characters. We can loop this sequence. StringLoop.kt package com.zetcode fun main() { val phrase = "young eagle" for (e in phrase) { print("$e ") } println() phrase.forEach { e -> print("%#x ".format(e.toByte())) }...
As the factor will remain the same in all the rows, we’ll have to loop through two multiplier and result variables. Further, we’ll need two ranges in our loop. While the first range will hold the list of multipliers corresponding to different rows, on the other hand, the second range...
kotlin中任意表达式都可以用标注来标记,以标识符+@的形式来表示标注,如:abc@ ,fooBar@都是有效的标注(参考语法)。把标注放在表达式后,即完成对表达式的标记。 loop@for(iin1..100){// ...} 使用标注限制beak和continue loop@for(iin1..100){for(jin1..100){if(...)break@loop}} ...