The syntax offorloop in Kotlin is: for (item in collection) { // body of loop } Example: Iterate Through a Range funmain(args:Array<String>){for(iin1..5) { println(i) } } Here, the loop iterates through the range and prints individual item. ...
The following tutorials explain looping statements in detail with syntax and a good range of examples. Kotlin – For Loop Kotlin – While Loop Kotlin – Do-while Loop Kotlin also provides some statements to break or continue the above loops. Kotlin – break Kotlin – continue The following tuto...
To iterate over elements of an Array in Kotlin, we can use For Loop. Inside the For Loop body, we can access respective element of the iteration. ReferKotlin For Looptutorial. Syntax The syntax to iterate over elements of an Arrayarrusing For Loop is </> Copy for (element in arr) { ...
for (i in 1..10) { println(i) } This will print out the numbers from 1 to 10 (both inclusive). Conclusion In this tutorial, we learned about different ways to use a for loop in Kotlin. We covered looping over collections, looping with indices, and looping with ranges. Hope this wa...
Kotlin if else if Multiple branches of conditions can be created with if else if syntax. ifelseif.kt package com.zetcode fun main() { val a = 34 val b = 43 if (a == b) { println("$a and $b are equal") } else if (a < b) { ...
Syntax of Kotlin forEach In kotlin language, it uses many kinds of loops to implement the mobile-based application. Each type of looping statement will be covered and utilized with the other conditional statements on the programming requirement. ...
for loop while loop do...while loop We will learn aboutforloop in this tutorial. In the next tutorial, we will learn aboutwhileanddo...whileloop. for Loop The syntax of theforloop is: for(initializationStatement; testExpression; updateStatement) {// statements inside the body of loop} ...
Would love to see this plugin updated.. Robot Framework 3.1 just came out and it has a new syntax for FOR loops: the plugin doesn't recognize the new syntax and that's a real...
addPlugin 'udalov/kotlin-vim'to your~/.vimrcand runPluginInstall. Pathogen git clone ~/.vim/bundle/kotlin-vim Manual (for older versions of Vim) mkdir -p ~/.vim/{syntax,indent,ftdetect,ftplugin} ...
[Kotlin] Shorthand syntax for FP First version: fun main(args: Array<String>) { val providers=Providers() val details=providers.getAllProviders() details.forEach { detail-> println("${detail.providerName}, ${}") } } Second version: Replace 'detail' with 'it':...