importtorchimportkorniaimportmatplotlib.pyplotasplt# 定义仿射矩阵(平移、旋转等)theta=torch.tensor([[[1.0,0.0,0.1],[0.0,1.0,0.1]]])# 平移 0.1 单位# 生成仿射变换网格grid=kornia.utils.create_meshgrid(256,256,normalized_coordinates=True)# 执行仿射变换transformed_image=kornia.warp_affine(image_tensor,...
utils.create_meshgrid3d(depth=self.depth, self.voxel_grid = create_meshgrid3d(depth=self.depth, height=self.height, width=self.width, normalized_coordinates=False) @@ -85,7 +90,7 @@ def transform_grid(self, voxel_grid, grid_to_lidar, lidar_to_cam, cam_to_img): voxel_grid = voxel_...
utils.grid import create_meshgrid class MLP(Module): r"""Class to represent a multi-layer perceptron. The MLP represents a deep NN of fully connected layers. The network is build of user defined sub-units, each with a user defined number of layers. Skip connections span between the sub-...
kornia.utils image to tensor utilities and metrics for vision problems Installation From pip: pip install kornia From source: python install From source with symbolic links: python install develop From source using pip: pip install git+ ...
It is said pytorch devs are going to change the default behavior of grid_sample() in pytorch v1.4.0: from align_corners=True to align_corners=False Here is the link: What do ...