通过kornia.affine_grid()和kornia.grid_sample()可以实现仿射变换。 示例:仿射变换 importtorchimportkorniaimportmatplotlib.pyplotasplt# 定义仿射矩阵(平移、旋转等)theta=torch.tensor([[[1.0,0.0,0.1],[0.0,1.0,0.1]]])# 平移 0.1 单位# 生成仿射变换网格grid=kornia.utils.create_meshgrid(256,256,normalized...
I can add additional parameter to kornia.utils.grid.create_meshgrid (and probably to create_meshgrid3d). For example, align_corners: Optional[bool] = True (or False?) and make it work with normalized_coordinates, something like: def create_meshgrid( height: int, width: int, normalized_coordi...
Fix bug in create_meshgrid3d along depth (#1330) Fix anisotropic scale error (#1340) Fix rgb_to_hsv for onnx (#1329) Fixed useless return in ransac.py (#1352) Fixed classificationhead typo and leave out some of the guesswork (#1354) Fix clahe differentiability and tests (#1356) Fixes...