Chief Oh is still feeling the effects of his hangover, and decides to go out for some fresh air. Dong-shik and Geu-rae worriedly watch him go, and when Chief Go mentions that a same-aged collogue recently had a stroke with similar symptoms as Chief Oh, they rush out to find him, pa...
Aw, now I’m sad that we didn’t get to see her at all for the majority of the episode. It turns out Ji-hyo had figured out the seating chart pattern (“Isn’t it ‘gold’?”), and since the Chinese character is also the same for “Kim,” she’d realized it was Jong-kook....
The next morning, at the apartment building, Joo-ri finds Sang-in spraying air freshener in his car. (She’d thrown up inside of it after getting drunk.) She gives him money to fix it, and he notes that he used to offer money to people whenever Moon-young caused trouble; he now re...