Seating detailsSeat map key PitchWidthSeating details First8320.1 6 open suites Prestige7520.1 48 flat bed seats Economy33-3418.1 314 standard seats In-flight amenities Audio Video AC Power Food Korean Air offers audio selections in all classes of service with Audio and Video onDemand. ...
Korean Air has some of the best economy product on the market. There is ample room between the seats and lots of legroom compared to many other carriers. I was very pleased with the situation, and I don't often sit in economy.
The Hidden Roots of Korea’s Gender Wars Universal male conscription and rampant discrimination against working mothers will always grab headlines, but a recent ruling against segregated seating in study rooms is a stark reminder of the pervasive homosociality behind the friction Estimated reading time:...
Chief Oh is still feeling the effects of his hangover, and decides to go out for some fresh air. Dong-shik and Geu-rae worriedly watch him go, and when Chief Go mentions that a same-aged collogue recently had a stroke with similar symptoms as Chief Oh, they rush out to find him, pa...
Experts say one of the best ways to maximize value is booking roundtrip awards from North or Central America to South Korea and Japan. Korean Air's award chart prices these identically in each direction. But when booking as a roundtrip, you'll essentially end up...
Aw, now I’m sad that we didn’t get to see her at all for the majority of the episode. It turns out Ji-hyo had figured out the seating chart pattern (“Isn’t it ‘gold’?”), and since the Chinese character is also the same for “Kim,” she’d realized it was Jong-kook....
A close second for emotional power had to be ST accepting MY into the family. Again, brilliantly scripted and *great* use of OST. The slo-mo trio walk down the street had me punching the air. And I loved the interpretation of the Ugly Duckling that was presented - it would have been...