但你创建了一个服务,kong gateway会给这个服务赋予一个唯一id,如上图“3b2be74e-335b-4f25-9f08-6c41b4720315”,id和name可以被用来identify the service in subsequent requests. This is the service URL and takes the form of/services/{service name or id} curl -X GET http://localhost:8001/service...
Kong Gateway also offers other options for configuration management including Kong Konnect and decK.In this section of the tutorial, you will complete the following steps:Create a service pointing to the httpbin API, which provides testing facilities for HTTP requests and responses. Define a route ...
For the sake of example, let’s say a given company has a Kong Gateway cluster to be shared with 3 teams: teamA, teamB, and teamC. While the Kong cluster are shared among these teams, they want to be able to segment their entities in such a way that management of entities in one...
How does Oauth2 authorization work? View this Kong API Gateway Oauth2 plugin tutorial to learn how to add authorization and authentication to your services.
Kong is a scalable, open source API Layer(also known as an API Gateway, or API Middleware). Kong was originally built atMashapeto secure, manage and extend over15,000 Microservicesfor its API Marketplace, which generates billions of requests per month. ...
Kong tutorial in Japanese 1 Kong tutorial in Japanese 2 HAProxy + Kong Learn Lua in 15 minutes A Question about Microservices Kong Intro in Chinese 以上是官方知识汇总以及个人总结经验,如有不明白可发留言或邮件探讨。 以下是基于本公司微服务api-gateway针对使用kong调研文档,详细如下 ...
If you're building for web, mobile or IoT (Internet of Things) you will likely end up needing common functionality on top of your actual software. Kong can help by acting as a gateway for HTTP requests while providing logging, authentication, rate-limiting and more through plugins. ...
In K8s, communication with the external world requires aningress controller. The open source Kong Kubernetes Ingress Controller wraps aroundKong Gatewayand Kong’s various plugins to play this critical role. The Basic Use Case In our basic use case, we have an application composed of a web serve...
一、API网关 API 网关,即API Gateway,是大型分布式系统中,为了保护内部服务而设计的一道屏障,可以提供高性能、高可用的 API托管服务,从而帮助服务的开发者便捷地对外提供服务,而不用考虑安全控制、流量控制、审计日志等问题,统一在网关层将安全认证,流量控制,审计日志,黑白名单等实现。网关的下一层,是内部服务,内部服...
Kong tutorial in Japanese 2 HAProxy + Kong Learn Lua in 15 minutes A Question about Microservices Kong Intro in Chinese 参考文献 参考文章1:KONG API Gateway-用户指南https://github.com/cloudframeworks-apigateway/user-guide-apigateway#%E6%A1%86%E6%9E%B6%E8%AF%B4%E6%98%8E-%E4%B8%9A%E...