和服务一样,route也可以通过发送一个PATCH请求进行动态更新。比如通过如下命令修改配置的tag为“tutorial”,虽然我上面由于懒没有写service的修改,大家自己看官网吧。 curl --request PATCH \ --url localhost:8001/services/example-service/routes/example-route \ --data tags="tutorial" 列出所有的路由配置 curl ...
Kong是一款基于Nginx_Lua模块写的高可用,易扩展由Mashape公司开源的API Gateway项目。由于Kong是基于Nginx的,所以可以水平扩展多个Kong服务器,通过前置的负载均衡配置把请求均匀地分发到各个Server,来应对大批量的网络请求。 Kong主要有三个组件: Kong Server:基于nginx的服务器,用来接收API请求。 Apache Cassandra/PostgreS...
Kong intro in Portuguese Kong tutorial in Japanese 1 Kong tutorial in Japanese 2 HAProxy + Kong Learn Lua in 15 minutes A Question about Microservices Kong Intro in Chinese 参考文献 参考文章1:KONG API Gateway-用户指南 https://github.com/cloudframeworks-apigateway/user-guide-apigateway#%E6%A1%...
Realtime API Management with Pushpin How to create your own Kong plugin Instaclustr partners with Kong How to deploy Kong on Azure Kong intro in Portuguese Kong tutorial in Japanese 1 Kong tutorial in Japanese 2 HAProxy + Kong Learn Lua in 15 minutes ...
Plus 30-day free trial Scale your API lifecycle management seamlessly and pay only for what you use with flexible pay-as-you-go billing Start for Free Enterprise Custom pricingbilled annually Cost-effective contracts with predictability and savings, plus dedicated support ...
How does Oauth2 authorization work? View this Kong API Gateway Oauth2 plugin tutorial to learn how to add authorization and authentication to your services.
This chapter aims to provide a step-by-step tutorial on how to set up RBAC and see it in action, with an end-to-end use case. The chosen use case demonstrates how RBAC with workspaces can be coupled to achieve a flexible organization of teams and users in complex hierarchies. Make ...
:monkey: The Open-Source API Gateway and Microservice Management, built on NGINX - GitHub - simlegate/kong: The Open-Source API Gateway and Microservice Management, built on NGINX
【kong系列一】之 API网关 & kong 概述 公司开源的APIGateway项目。由于Kong是基于Nginx的,所以可以水平扩展多个Kong服务器,通过前置的负载均衡配置把请求均匀地分发到各个Server,来应对大批量的网络请求。Kong主要有三个组件:KongServer:基于nginx的服务器,用来接收API请求。ApacheCassandra/PostgreSQL :用来存储操作数据...
Kong Gateway also offers other options for configuration management including Kong Konnect and decK.In this section of the tutorial, you will complete the following steps:Create a service pointing to the httpbin API, which provides testing facilities for HTTP requests and responses. Define a route ...