Or you can set up Kong Gateway on your own self-managed system:Kong Gateway (Open Source) An open-source package containing the basic API gateway functionality and open-source plugins. Kong Gateway Enterprise Kong’s API gateway with added functionality. Docker Install with Docker Install with ...
Installation Options Kong Gateway is a low-demand, high-performing API gateway. You can set up Kong Gateway with Konnect, or install it on various self-managed systems.Set up your Gateway in under 5 minutes with Kong Konnect: Kong Konnect is an API lifecycle management platform that lets ...
Installation Options Kong Gateway is a low-demand, high-performing API gateway. You can set up Kong Gateway with Konnect, or install it on various self-managed systems.PackagesAlpine Debian Ubuntu RedHat Amazon Linux KubernetesKubernetes OpenShift...
Kong Gateway is the industry’s most trusted open source API gateway. Accelerate development and delivery of APIs and microservices with Kong Gateway today!
如果有多个 API 项目,就需要做多份的网关实现,感觉与应用耦合了。 刚好有同事介绍了 kong, 这款软件,在应用之上实现了对接口一系列的控制。 本次分享只做基本的安装(centos6.5)与入门,更多信息可以访问官网获得。 安装 wget https://github.com/Mashape/kong/releases/download/0.9.3/kong-0.9.3.el6.noarch....
Kong是一款基于OpenResty(Nginx + Lua模块)编写的高可用、易扩展的,由Mashape公司开源的API Gateway项目。Kong是基于NGINX和Apache Cassandra或PostgreSQL构建的,能提供易于使用的RESTful API来操作和配置API管理系统,所以它可以水平扩展多个Kong服务器,通过前置的负载均衡配置把请求均匀地分发到各个Server,来应对大批量的网络...
Installation|Documentation|Forum|Blog| IRC (freenode):#kong|Nightly Builds Summary Why Kong? If you are building for the web, mobile, or IoT (Internet of Things) you will likely end up needing common functionality to run your actual software. Kong can help by acting as a gateway (or a ...
可参考:https://www.fizzgate.com/fizz/guide/installation #函数样例演示 在菜单:服务编排->接口列表...
Kong Gateway is a open source API Gateway. Kong Server is a lua application built on top of NGINX and acts like a API front-end. The server forwards the traffic between consumers and the API's, the flexible Kong's plugin architecture make easy to add more functionality such as a rate...
Kong Gateway is a lightweight, fast, and flexible cloud-native API gateway. Kong is a reverse proxy that lets you manage, configure, and route requests