Kojima_Studio 主站 番剧 游戏中心 直播 会员购 漫画 赛事 下载客户端 登录 开通大会员 大会员 消息 动态 收藏 历史记录 创作中心 投稿 关注发消息 主页动态投稿45合集和列表1追番追剧 关注数 379 粉丝数 53 代表作 04:44 //Vaporwave//【天上の街市】重庆~Plastic love / Retro Vlog...
Kojima Productions is official, and with his new studio, Hideo Kojima wants to create something that gamers expect, but feels new on the same time. In an interview with IGN, Kojima talked about his new ‘agile’ studio, and its future. For those who have been living under a rock the pa...
从玩家发现科乐美(Konami)开始从一切《Metal Gear SolidV(潜龙谍影5)》(包含《原爆点》(Ground Zeroes)和《幻痛》(The Phantom Pain))的一切宣传物料中抹去系列制作人小岛秀夫(Hideo Kojima)的名字以及小岛组(Kojima Productions)的标识、小岛洛杉矶工作室(Kojima’s Los Angelos Studio)更名为科乐美洛杉矶工作室(Konami...
目前距离OD的发布还有一段距离,因此也尚未有任何预订信息。考虑到其云特性,其发行方式也尚未明确,但作为Xbox Game Studio的作品,它很可能会加入Game Pass,因此订阅用户只需等待它推出即可加入。总的来说,OD是一款充满神秘感的恐怖新作,由Hideo Kojima与Xbox Game Studios共同打造。无论你是恐怖游戏爱好者还是喜...
哔哩哔哩Kojima_Official的个人空间,提供Kojima_Official分享的视频、音频、文章、动态、收藏等内容,关注Kojima_Official账号,第一时间了解UP主动态。Come join our studio in Tokyo !!!
Death Stranding is being built on Guerrilla Games’ Decima Engine and Kojima Productions, is setting up a small satellite studio in Amsterdam.
A collaboration with Kojima Productions, the creative studio led by world-renowned game creator Hideo Kojima. The collection, created under the supervision of art director Yoji Shinkawa, is full of designs with obsessive details and uses the studio’s ma
After its release, Kojima and Konami parted ways and the legendary developer created a new studio, Kojima Productions. We’ve had a new IP from that studio since then: 2019’s bizarre and bewitching Death Stranding. It’s as good as a dystopian sci-fi courier sim could ...
@unboundedelement 第一方的就是SCE Japan Studio,SCEW这种名字里就能看出来爹爹是谁 banjilar 2015-12-16 17:03 坚决跟监督走 监督棒棒的 getbacker_7788 2015-12-16 17:05 @retridge_rii KONAMI已决定开发《合金装备》新作 3月份的消息了 hayato_607 2015-12-16 17:05 @retridge_rii 野尻笑尿...
开通大会员 大会员 消息 动态 收藏 历史记录 创作中心 投稿 Kojima_Official Come join our studio in Tokyo !!! 关注发消息 主页动态投稿43合集和列表0收藏30 关注数 1576 粉丝数 614 2024年04月09日 转发动态 NeonNoroshi官方 关注 Neon Noroshi免费送cdk啦!