小岛洛杉矶工作室(Kojima’s Los Angelos Studio)更名为科乐美洛杉矶工作室(Konami Los Angelos Studio),到科乐美官方出面对Gamespot爆出的所谓“内部消息”进行辟谣,并“此地无银三百两”地贴出
We’ve had a new IP from that studio since then: 2019’s bizarre and bewitching Death Stranding. It’s as good as a dystopian sci-fi courier sim could possibly be, and typically Kojima in its obsessive attention to detail. But it’s not Metal Gear Solid. ...
This visually captivating documentary gives a rare insight into Hideo Kojima’s creative process as he launches his own independent studio and creates the groundbreaking game DEATH STRANDING. Featuring contributions from visionary artists such as George Miller, Guillermo del Toro, Nicholas Winding ...
Kojima is familiar with the espionage and stealth genre, as many will know Kojima for his work in creating the Metal Gear franchise, a series known for laying the foundations for the stealth genre of video games. This is one of a few projects Kojima and his...
though building up an entirely new studio from scratch proved to be a challenge for his management team, consisting of Metal Gear lead artistYoji Shinkawaand producerKen Imaizumi. "It was a big challenge. So I was searching for a partner, and Sony Playstation was the perfect fit," Kojima ...
"Start a new journey," said Kojima in the tweet, with an image of three logos. One of the logo features the text "Automated Public Assistance Company" with what appears to be a compass rose. The next game from Kojima Productions, the video game studio run by Hideo Kojima, has confirme...
15.9万粉丝 · 小岛工作室KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS官方微博 #小岛工作室#公布的新作《OD》预告片中,三位演员简短却充满谜团的表演令人印象深刻。快来听听索菲·莉莉斯对出演《OD》预告片的感想吧! 按热度 按时间 小乔031888:咋没翻译啊 2-28 21:09 ...
“When we did that Moby Dick thing, you [Geoff] were in on the whole thing, and that was pretty fun, but people should know that I wouldn’t do the same thing twice,” Kojima said in his podcast. The “Moby Dick thing” Kojima refers to is a fake studio that Kojima c...
Hideo Kojima: Connecting Worlds《小岛秀夫:连接世界(2023)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx 我小时候会自己构想故事 IstartedthinkingaboutmyownstorieswhenIwaslittle. 从小就喜欢天马行空地想象 EversinceIwasachild,Iwasadaydreamer. 想着想着差点被车撞 Iwouldnearlygetrunover. ...
Hideo Kojima is no longer working at Konami and his studio, Kojima Productions, according to a source speaking with the New Yorker.[Update: Although Konami did not respond to requests for comment prior to the publication of the New Yorker article, it has since gone on to deny them. Konami...