Koalas to the Max, a site made with love by Vadim Ogievetsky for Annie Albagli
The main rock itself is interesting and beautiful. The geology and cultural significance make it something of value, but this tour will not be the most interesting one you ever do. If you go, with the tour or on your own, the walk around the Wa...
A: Lets go to the zoo. B: That sounds great. A: Whats your favorite animal? B: Its the panda. Practice the conversation and make you own one. A: Why do you like pandas? B: Because theyre very cute. Do you like pandas? A: No ,I don’t. I like dolphins best. B: why? A:...
5.alarge,blackandwhiteseabirdthatswimsandcannotfly:___;Giveyourowndefinitiononyourfavoriteanimals;Adescriptionofananimal;;6Let’s___duringtheday. AsleepsBtosleepCsleepingDsleep 7---Whatotheranimalsdoyoulike? ---Ilike___. AdogsBbooksCbikesDred 8Shelikes...