max thank you for more and more info on interesting animals :) awesome cormahh SO CUTE!!! Paige So cool Teddy I love to do this when I come back to school Evelyn Koalas are so cute. milla I love Koalas they are so so soft milla koalas are so cool. I learned lots about ...
1.Playaguessinggametochecktheanimals. 2.Matchthewordswiththeanimalsinthepicture.(1b).Step4.Presentation/Practice 1.Presentthedialogue.T:Doyoulikemonkeys?Ss:Yes,Ido. T:Whydoyoulikemonkeys?Ss:Becausetheyaresmart.2.Pairwork Practicetheconversationswithyourpartne VIP免费下载 收藏 分享 赏 0下载提示...
name of countries; China, Japan, Brazil Section A Additional materials to bring to class: coins or other markers for the Bingo game in 4. Ask students to name as many animals as they can in English. Write the list on the board, Ask students to describe each animal in some way.They ...
He’sverybig.;;Wherearetheyfrom?Theyarefrom…;USEFULEXPRESSIONS;5Isn’thecute? 6Hesleepsduringtheday,butatnighthegetsupandeatsleaves. 7Heusuallyrelaxes20hourseveryday! ;;;canyouguess?;Game:WhoamI?;Task1:Animals;___aremyfavoriteanimals.They’refrom___.They’revery___,Theyeat___.;Taskwriting...