Cast on经常被缩写成CO 后面常常跟着具体针数 比如翡翠披肩图解就写着“cast on 3 sts” 这就是告诉我们起针数是3针 st是stitch(针数)的缩写 爱编织的人应该最熟悉这个词哦 加了s是因为复数形式 这是英语基础知识罗 Bind off有时候也写成Cast off 后面一般跟着收针方式...
Cast on经常被缩写成CO 后面常常跟着具体针数 比如翡翠披肩图解就写着“cast on 3 sts” 这就是告诉我们起针数是3针 st是stitch(针数)的缩写 爱编织的人应该最熟悉这个词哦 加了s是因为复数形式 这是英语基础知识罗 Bind off有时候也写成Cast off 后面一般跟着收针方式提示 比如翡翠图解最后写着“Cast off ...
The knit stitch consists of pulling a loop of yarn through an existing loop on the needle. Here are some step by step instructions for how this is accomplished.Step 1: Cast on one row of stitches. How many stitches you cast on will be determined by your pattern....
...原文的缩写,所以列一下。k = knit 下针p = purl 上针st(s) = stitch(es) 针目rows = 行st st = stockinette stitch 平针rnd = round 圈tog = together 一起ssk = slip, slip, knit (dec)滑过一针,再滑过一针,两针一起织下针;右上二并一tbl = through the back loop从
The most common cast on is theLong Tail Cast On. This is a great cast on for learning to knit – it’s fast, efficient, and neat, once you get the hang of it. To start the Long Tail Cast On, you’ll need to leave a “long tail” that will accommodate the stitches you will ...
a loop of yarn through an existing loop on the needle. Pulling it through with the yarn in the back creates the knit stitch. Pulling it through with the yarn in front creates the purl stitch. These are the foundation stitches of knitting. To begin your knitting, start with acast-on. ...
1.Simple Garter Stitch ScarfUsing your new skills, knit a garter stitch scarf by casting on a number of stitches and knitting all of them, back and forth, until you’re happy with the length. Then, cast off. Once you’ve cast off, weave in your yarn ends.Then, you’re officially do...
Continue working in this way until all the stitches are on your right hand needle. How to purl stitch Hold the needle with cast on stitches in your left hand beginning about 8cm away from cast on stitches. Take the yarn around the little finger of your right hand, under the next two fi...
Most new knitters start knitting by creating swatches to practice the basics, but those swatches don’t have any real use. When you make these cozy gloves, you’ll learn how to cast on, knit, purl and bind off. Then Maggie will teach you how to seam the
How to Cast-On The Knit Stitch The Purl Stitch Knitting Increases Knitting Decreases How to Bind Off Knitting Tips & Tricks Advanced Techniques Amy's Premium Videos Newly Added Free Patterns Mr. Fish Kids MIttens & Socks in Children's Gloves & Mittens ...