Now, you’re ready to meet its doppelgänger, the purl stitch. The knit and purl stitches make up the foundation of knitting. Master these two stitches and you can take on a world of stitch patterns! Cast Off With the cast on, knit and purl stitches under your belt, you’ve probably...
Are you a seasoned knitter or maybe you've always wanted to learn how to knit? We'll teach you the basics and help you move on to more advanced skills. How to Knit the Garter Stitch How to Finger Knit What Is Loom Knitting? What Is Ribbon Yarn?Spruce Up Your Inbox! Get DIY p...
How to knit stitch Hold your needle with cast-on stitches in your left hand beginning about 8cm away from the stitches. Take the yarn around the little finger of your right hand, under the next two fingers and over top of your index finger. With the yarn at the back, insert the point...
1. How to basic cast on in knitting The knit cast on is a great method for beginners and also useful when casting on mid-project. A variation of this, called a cable cast on, is where you put the knitting needle between two stitches instead of in the stitch. ...
The knit stitch consists of pulling a loop of yarn through an existing loop on the needle. Here are some step by step instructions for how this is accomplished.Step 1: Cast on one row of stitches. How many stitches you cast on will be determined by your pattern....
How to Knit a Hat, Step by Step GLOSSARY: K: Knit // P: Purl // k2t0g: (decrease) knit two stitches together // p2tog: (decrease) purl two stitches together Step 1: Cast on 42 stitches (we used the long-tail method). Step 2: K1, P1 until your piece measures 11” tall ...
Start by learning the knitting basics such asLong Tail cast-onand theknitandpurlstitches. Those three techniques make up the vast majority of any knitting project, so pat yourself on the back. From there you'll probably want to learn a couple ofincreasesanddecreases, and check out ourknitting...
Learn how to knit with our full guide: We take you through the step-by-step instructions and teach you how to cast on, knit, purl, and cast off.
If you're a beginning knitter, you can start with our 45 minute"How to Knit"series. This 3 part introduction to knitting walks the new knitter step-by-step through the knitting basics:Long Tail cast-onand theknitandpurlstitches andbasic knit bind-offand finishing your knitting. Along the ...
Cast on 22 stitches Row 1Knit each st across the row. Row 2Purl each st across the row. Repeat rows 1 & 2, working stockinette, until piece measures 6”. Next, work a 2 x 2 rib pattern for approximately 1/2”. Cast off and weave in ends. ...