How to convert inches to mm formula A car accelerates from rest to 24.01 meters per second in 7.48 seconds. What is the car's rate of acceleration in meters per second squared? Round your answer to two decimal places. Convert 83 inches to feet A runner wants to run 10.0 km. She knows...
What p-value is associated with a chi squared statistic? You are given a sphere, of diameter, D=1.50 inches. If you make a 5% error, when measuring D, what percent error will this cause, in the volume of the sphere? Convert the given extinction coefficent 6.39 mM...
Three indices were used to quantify data quality: correlation coefficient (R), mean bias error (MBE), and root-mean-squared error (RMSE) between estimates and ground measurements: R = i∑=n0(yi − y¯)(yi′ − y¯′) i∑=n0(yi − y¯)2 i∑=n0(yi′ − y¯′)2 ...
A TPS is the result of minimizing the residual sum of squares subject to a constraint that the function has a certain level of smoothness (or roughness penalty). Roughness is quantified by the integral of squared m-th order derivatives (Keller and Borkowski, 2019). Spline models for the N...
The spatial variability is traditionally measured by means of a variogram, which is generated by determining the averaged squared difference of data points at a nominated distance (h), or lag. The averaged squared difference (variogram or y(h)) for each lag distance is plotted on a bi-...
a significant improvement compared to the original STARFM method for downscaling SSEBOP ET on Landsat-unavailable dates, with an increase in the squared correlation coefficients (r2) from 0.68 to 0.77 and a decrease in the root mean square error (RMSE) from 10.28 mm/10 d to 8.48 mm/10 d....
The R-squared value 0.904, indicates that 90.4% of the remotely sensed data variability was explained by variations in the in situ dataset. In addition, the data indicated that the true slope of the regression line between the in situ measurements and the RS data lay between 0.962 and 0.978...