Abstract:The 30-year Average Monthly/1-km Climate Variables Dataset of China (1951-1980, 1981-2010) was developed using thin plate smoothing spline technique and ANUSPLIN (4.4) tool based on 30-year average meteorological...
Type in unit symbols, abbreviations, or full names for units of length, area, mass, pressure, and other types. Examples include mm, inch, 70 kg, 150 lbs, US fluid ounce, 6'3", 10 stone 4, cubic cm, metres squared, grams, moles, feet per second, and many more!
Type in unit symbols, abbreviations, or full names for units of length, area, mass, pressure, and other types. Examples include mm, inch, 70 kg, 150 lbs, US fluid ounce, 6'3", 10 stone 4, cubic cm, metres squared, grams, moles, feet per second, and many more!
The interaction of a neutrino below 100 MeV produces a charged lepton (e+ or e−) travelling up to a few tens of centimetres (∼0.5 cm per MeV of the incident neutrino energy [19]). Since this distance is small compared to the typical separation between the KM3NeT DOMs, the ...
Convert 58 Gal into kilometer per hour squared To convert a value from Gal to kilometre/ hr2, we need to multiply it by 129.6 So, 58 Gal = 58 × 129.6 = 7516.8 km/hr2 Example 6 How many minutes are there in 4 days? Hours in a day = 24 Hours in 4 days = 24 × 4 = 96...
at the city squareD. in a park( )3. Some students supported Andy by .A. cheering for himB. carrying his bagC. carrying the flag for himD. giving him water to drink( )4. During the hike, Daniel .A. took the bus for a whileB. arrived at school before 5:30 a.m.C. got back...
What is the square root of pi squared? How long must a car travel at 30 m/s and 0 acceleration to displace a total of 3.5 km? If you are writing a unit rate, like $9 for 6 cans of soup, which number is the numerator?
Hello everyone, First of all, thank you for this amazing library! It allowed me to speed up my computations in so many applications already, and I am sure it will do so in the future, too! While using the library, I came across an error ...
Shown is the energy-squared per-flavour astrophysical flux derived from the observation of KM3-230213A with measurements and theoretical predictions, assuming equipartition (νe:νμ:ντ = 1:1:1). The blue cross corresponds to the flux needed to achieve one expected event after the track...
Type in unit symbols, abbreviations, or full names for units of length, area, mass, pressure, and other types. Examples include mm, inch, 70 kg, 150 lbs, US fluid ounce, 6'3", 10 stone 4, cubic cm, metres squared, grams, moles, feet per second, and many more!