借助调平器调节热床调平螺丝,使喷嘴距离四颗热床螺丝上方的高度一致(SCREWS_TILT_CALCULATE)。也可以通过 A4 纸或肉眼观察,但主观性大,如想获得更好的首层效果,此类方法应弃用。 校准后的热床螺丝上方探测点可用于后续自动校正龙门倾斜(即双 Z 等高,Z_TILT_ADJUST) 【图 1】初次组装完成后,如未经校准,可能...
1.69766786717 Coordinate descent best_err: 6.24119025254e-11 rounds: 232 Calculated bed tilt parameters: {'y_adjust': 0.0036196601588156445, 'x_adjust': 0.005250965942561332, 'z_adjust': -1.8716195942421296} Making the following Z adjustments: stepper_z = -0.721239 stepper_z1 = 1.336334 stepper_z2 ...
#QGL_Tilt_Probe:0 #set 1 to enable probe up and down when do quad_gantry_level Modify the endstop_pin in section[stepper_z], and disable theposition_endstop, Slow down the speed of z homing, e.g.homing_speed: 5,second_homing_speed: 1homing_retract_speed: 2 [stepper_z] endstop_...
#4Z调平采集点坐标设置(300机型) points: 25,25 25,250 275,250 275,25 # 4Z调平的速度 speed: 200 #4Z调平时,Z的起始高度 horizontal_move_z: 25 #采样失败重试次数 retries: 3 #采样公差 retry_tolerance: 0.02 #采样时Z的最大行程 max_adjust: 10 ### # Macros Gcode宏 ### [gcode_...
[printer]# 运动学结构 分为笛卡尔和corexy等等,Voron2.4是corexykinematics: corexy# 最大速度max_velocity:300# 最大加速度max_accel:3000# z轴最大速度max_z_velocity:15# z轴最大加速度max_z_accel:300# 方形拐角速度,小一点可以有效避免平台重带来的惯性square_corner_velocity:5.0 ...
校准后的热床螺丝上方探测点可用于后续自动校正龙门倾斜(即双 Z 等高,Z_TILT_ADJUST) 【图 1】初次组装完成后,如未经校准,可能的热床和龙门状态。 1.2 我认为视频 2 中有两点不妥之处:# 使用不可靠的热床平面作为参考来校正龙门倾斜,有可能喷嘴在XY方向上的相对移动平面与热床平面平行,但与框架顶部或底座不...
[printer]# 运动学结构 分为笛卡尔和corexy等等,Voron2.4是corexykinematics: corexy# 最大速度max_velocity:300# 最大加速度max_accel:3000# z轴最大速度max_z_velocity:15# z轴最大加速度max_z_accel:300# 方形拐角速度,小一点可以有效避免平台重带来的惯性square_corner_velocity:5.0 ...
variable_start_z_tilt_adjust_at_temp(default: True ifz_tiltconfigured)- If true thePRINT_STARTmacro will runZ_TILT_ADJUSTafter the bed has stabilized at its target temperature. You can further customize thePRINT_STARTmacro by declaring your own override wrapper. This can be useful for things ...
#G28 Z # If you are using Z-Tilt: #Z_TILT_ADJUST # If you are generating a new bed mesh: BED_MESH_CALIBRATE # If you are loading an existing mesh: #BED_MESH_PROFILE LOAD=default # Move the nozzle near the bed G1 Z5 F3000 # Set and wait for nozzle to reach printing tempe...
z_adjust_ref_temperature: Current reference temperature used for calculation of Z current_z_adjust [degC]. z_tilt The following information is available in the z_tilt object (this object is available if z_tilt is defined): applied: True if the z-tilt leveling process has been run ...