PRINT_START BED=[first_layer_bed_temperature] HOTEND={first_layer_temperature[initial_extruder]+extruder_temperature_offset[initial_extruder]} 添加以下code到printer.cfg [gcode_macro PRINT_START] gcode: #等待机器升温至第一层打印温度 M117 Heating... # Parameters {% set bedtemp = params.BED|int ...
结束打印时调用 M300 播放提示音,示例来自 CHEP###[gcode_macro START_PRINT] gcode: # chirp to indicate starting to print M300 S1000 P500 # Use absolute coordinates G90 # Reset
例如,在打印前加热床和喷嘴的宏可能看起来像这样: [gcode_macro probe_mesh] gcode: # Set extruder and bed temperature M109 S120 M190 S60 # Home all axis G28 # Start probing BED_MESH_CALIBRATE PROFILE=mesh1 METHOD=automatic # Turn off heaters afterward TURN_OFF_HEATERS 最后,您还可以通过控制台...
# Use PRINT_START for the slicer starting script - please customise for your slicer of choice gcode: G32 ; home all axes G1 Z20 F3000 ; move nozzle away from bed [gcode_macro PRINT_END] # Use PRINT_END for the slicer ending script - please customise for your slicer of choice gcode:...
gcode:###TTS语音 ###{%setis_tts=printer["gcode_macro TTS"].value|int%}{%ifis_tts==1%}RUN_SHELL_COMMANDCMD=start_tts;调用开始打印语音{%endif%} 3.结束打印[gcode_macro PRINT_END] 加入以下代码 gcode:###TTS语音 ###{%setis_tts=printer["gcode_macro TTS"].value|int%}{%ifis_tts=...
Error evaluating 'gcode_macro _SET_TIMELAPSE_SETUP:gcode': gcode.CommandError: CUSTOM_POS_X=10.0 must be within [0.0 - 0.0]"park_custom_pos_x:0.0park_custom_pos_y:0.0park_custom_pos_dz:0.0 手动开始和停止拍摄的命令如下: Copy HYPERLAPSE ACTION=START CYCLE=10 ...
24#gcode_id: T1#control: watermark###打印仓内排气扇(FAN2)###[temperature_fan exhaust_fan]#pin: PB2#max_power: 0.7#shutdown_speed: 0.0#kick_start_time: 5.0#sensor_type: NTC 100K MGB18-104F39050L32#sensor_pin: PC1#min_temp: 0#max_temp: 60#target_temp: 40#gcode_id: C#cont...
mkdir -p ~/printer_data ln -nsf ~/klipper_config ~/printer_data/config ln -nsf ~/.moonraker_database ~/printer_data/database ln -nsf ~/gcode_files ~/printer_data/gcodes ln -nsf ~/klipper_logs ~/printer_data/logs Setup timelaps plugin cd ~/moonraker-timelapse-main make install ...
CLEAR_PAUSE: Clears the current paused state without resuming the print. This is useful if one decides to cancel a print after a PAUSE. It is recommended to add this to your start gcode to make sure the paused state is fresh for each print. CANCEL_PRINT CANCEL_PRINT: Cancels the curr...
# Use PRINT_START for the slicer starting script - please customise for your slicer of choice gcode: G32 ; home all axes G1 Z20 F3000 ; move nozzle away from bed [gcode_macro PRINT_END] # Use PRINT_END for the slicer ending script - please customise for your slicer of choice...