Klipper 配置——电机配置 [stepper_x] step_pin: # 步进 GPIO 引脚(触发高电平)。 必须提供此参数。 dir_pin: # 方向 GPIO 引脚(高电平表示正方向)。这 参数必须提供。 enable_pin: # 启用引脚(默认为高电平启用;使用 ! 表示启用 # 低的)。 如果未提供此参数,则步进电机 # 驱动程序必须始终启用。 rot...
[stepper_z2] #Z2电机脉冲引脚设置 step_pin: PD5 #Z2电机方向引脚设置,可以通过添或删除引脚前面的!来改变电机的运转方向 dir_pin: !PD6 #Z2电机使能引脚设置 enable_pin: !PD4 #---Klipper0.9以上版本设置--- #电机细分 microsteps: 16 #主动带轮周长mm(2GT-20T带轮40,2GT-16T带轮32) rotation...
[stepper_z] step_pin: PB5 dir_pin: !PB4 enable_pin: !PB8 microsteps: 32 rotation_distance:8 full_steps_per_rotation: 200 #gear_ratio: 40:20 endstop_pin: !PA11 position_endstop:0.17 position_max: 210 position_min: 0.17 homing_speed:5 second_homing_speed: 2 homing_positive_dir:fals...
run_current:0.9hold_current:0.7sense_resistor:0.110stealthchop_threshold:200###Z1轴设置###[stepper_z1]#Z1电机脉冲引脚设置step_pin: PE6#Z1电机方向引脚设置,可以通过添或删除引脚前面的!来改变电机的运转方向dir_pin: PC13#Z1电机使能引脚设置enable_pin: !PE5#---Klipper0.9以上版本设置---#电机...
Running TEST_RESONANCES AXIS=X OUTPUT=raw_data (and Y axis) for a single axis twice on a bed slinger printer with the accelerometer attached to the toolhead the first time, and the accelerometer attached to the bed the second time in order to detect axes cross-resonances and attem...
> CALIBRATE_Z > Z-CALIBRATION: ENDSTOP=-0.300 NOZZLE=-0.267 SWITCH=2.370 PROBE=3.093 --> OFFSET=-0.010000 > GET_POSITION > mcu: stepper_x:17085 stepper_y:15625 stepper_z:-51454 stepper_z1:-51454 stepper_z2:-51454 stepper_z3:-51454 > stepper: stepper_x:552.500000 stepper_y:-47.500000...
#second_homing_speed: 10 [tmc2660 stepper_y] cs_pin: PC9 spi_bus: usart1 interpolate: True run_current: 2.00 sense_resistor: 0.051 idle_current_percent: 20 ### ### Z Axis ### ###
second_homing_speed: 3 homing_retract_dist: 3 ## Make sure to update below for your relevant driver (2208 or 2209) [tmc2209 stepper_z] uart_pin: PD10 uart_address: 0 interpolate: True run_current: 0.7 hold_current: 0.4 sense_resistor: 0.110 stealthchop_threshold: 0 #...
run_current:0.9hold_current:0.7sense_resistor:0.110stealthchop_threshold:200###Z2轴设置###[stepper_z2]#Z2电机脉冲引脚设置step_pin: PD5#Z2电机方向引脚设置,可以通过添或删除引脚前面的!来改变电机的运转方向dir_pin: !PD6#Z2电机使能引脚设置enable_pin: !PD4#---Klipper0.9以上版本设置---#...
# Velocity (in mm/s) of the stepper when performing the second home. # The default is homing_speed/2. #homing_positive_dir: # If true, homing will cause the stepper to move in a positive # direction (away from zero); if false, home towards zero. It is ...