在配置文件中[mcu]下添加 restart_method: command printer.cfg 其实这个问题很早就发现解决办法了,当时在国内论坛找不到办法,很多人也说uart方式只能从主板的按钮来重启固件,后来发现官方文档有解决办法,最近嫌弃香橙派性能不足,打算改用X86做上位机了,特意留档...
# 如果使用一个连接到CAN总线的设备,这个参数需要被设置为 # 要连接的芯片的唯一ID。 # 当使用CAN总线时,这个参数必须给定 #canbus_interface: # 当使用的设备连接到CAN总线时,这个参数需要被设置为 # 使用的网络接口 # 默认值是can0 restart_method:arduino # 这个参数控制着重置单片机的方式 # 可选项是'ard...
Method 2:使用配置文件 修改systemd service 文件来修改进程的 CPU 亲和力,在 [Service] 下添加如下内容 Copy sudonanoklipper.service# [Service] 添加如下内容,0-3分别代表不同核心,如【0-1,3】,这里我们绑定到第一个核心。CPUAffinity=0# 重载服务并重启服务生效sudosystemctldaemon-reloadsudosystemctlrestartkl...
I am at the early stages of running Klipper on Duet3d/Ender3 ( still haven't done all the work on the config.cfg). I run into a deadlock. There is a need to do "FIRMWARE RESTART" , but i can not do it as the system does not allow me to establish a connection. Here is the...
restart_method: command [printer] kinematics: cartesian max_velocity: 300 max_accel: 2000 max_z_velocity: 5 max_z_accel: 100 [bltouch] sensor_pin: ^PC14 control_pin: PC13 x_offset: -48 y_offset: 0 z_offset: 0 probe_with_touch_mode: true stow_on_each_sample: false [bed_mesh]...
Restart dwc socket service:service dwc restartor/etc/init.d/dwc restart Test:https:://<your_ip>:4750 9. (Optional) Use hostname instead of ip Click to expand! To change your hostname go to/etc/config/systemand modifyoption hostname 'OpenWrt'to your likings. ...
#restart_method: command ## You need to select 'Communication interface' to USB in 'make menuconfig' ## when you compile Klipper for Spider ## Obtain definition by "ls -l /dev/serial/by-id/" then unplug to verify ##--- serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32f446xx_23...
/etc/init.d/mjpg-streamer restart put the stream link inside the client(fluidd/mainsail) camera setting: http://<your_ip>/webcam/?action=stream 9. (Optional) Use hostname instead of ip Click to expand! To change your hostname go to /etc/config/system and modify option hostname 'Open...
serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_rp2040_E66094A027854422-if00 #serial: /dev/ttyAMA0 restart_method: command BTT PI上位机就能连接到下位机,需要注意的是klipper有主板保护功能,下位机该连接到传感器和电机都要连上,否则上位机可能连接不到下位机...
-8、刷好klipperos或者debian -7、查看IP并登录 -6、安装调频软件 sudo apt-get install cpufrequtils cpufreq-info -5、停止默认调频服务 sudo systemctl stop ondemand sudo systemctl disable ondemand -4、启用rc.local,没别的,习惯了而已 sudo nano /etc/rc.local ...