Connect STLinkV2 to PC,Start to flash klipper.bin to the MCU. Step 3: Configuring OctoPrint to Use Klipper The OctoPrint web server needs to be configured to communicate with the Klipper host software. Using a web browser, login to the OctoPrint web page and then configure the following ite...
This was a bit more tricky to do. Instead of the normal picom from Manjaro's repository, I usedpicom-gitfrom the AUR. To configure picom, I copied/etc/xdg/picom.conf.exampleto~/.config/picom.conf. Picom should already pick up this config. There are a couple of things you need ...
When configuring the Eddy within Klipper you will just need to specify that it communicates using the I2C port on that toolboard which will depend on the pins for that board. After changing to the BTT specific branch of Klipper, you should update all of your device firmware such that it ...
Klipper firmware is also supported by most Cartesian and Delta 3D printers and can work on 8-bit boards, unlike RepRap firmware. It’s easy to use but doesn’t have the same level of support as Marlin.What is Repetier Firmware?Repetier is another great option if you’re looking for a ...
but i want to connect my SKR mini e3 v3 in my btt mini display 12864 v1? The problem is that I'm using klipper, try to use the configuration given by that uses SPI pins but it doesn't turn on. could you help me? radek8...