无限位归零如果出现Endstop x still triggered after retract,在【stepper_x】添加这个玩意homing_retract_dist: 0 10 山路十八掌 :感谢,感谢,感谢 一只画风独特的Aouk :awa 毁人不倦777 2023年1月25日 开启无限位归零不是不允许有hold_current么 klipper官方是这样写的 1 xiaoqianzi51 UP :21年3月17...
Good afternoon, I have finally got things another few steps and actually thru the config checks got the stepper motors to move. But they will not home at all. I am using a Bigtreetech SKR 1.3 board and had to take the 2130's out and go b...
least a working measured hight at the switch is all up to the different forces in this system. But forces can change due to many reasons. The best case would be that the actuator is pushed all the way in until the pin touches the body of the switch - before the endstop is triggered...
Power on the box while still holding the reset button for about 6-10 sec. Release the button and wait for a couple of minutes. After a couple of seconds you should find the KlipperWrt AP. You should be able to ssh into it through ethernet or connected to it's wifi (ssh root@192.168...
The problem in my case is that even the first triggered run-out doesn't really stop the print (tools moves out but the print is immediately resumed - but not by me). And since the situation (runout ) still exists, Klipper tries to pause again, so now it is correctly reported that ...
SG_RESULT is enought to trigger the endstop, but nothin is triggered (or the trigger state is not verified for manual_stepper) Collaborator Arksine commented Mar 1, 2020 If you haven't already, make sure that your board supports sensorless homing, and if so make sure that the diag pins...
least a working measured hight at the switch is all up to the different forces in this system. But forces can change due to many reasons. The best case would be that the actuator is pushed all the way in until the pin touches the body of the switch - before the endstop is triggered...