首先,你需要找到moonraker.conf 在此处添加enable_object_processing: True 找到[file_manager] 并在其下方插入enable_object_processing: True 如果没有找到[file_manager],则自己手动添加一行;然后保存,这一步可以暂时不重启,直接关掉就好啦 这个步骤是为了让moonraker在接受到文件的时候进行后文本处理,自动识别模型标签...
下面就是配置Klipper固件 我们需要按照官网的说明,将“[exclude_object]”添加至我们的printer.cfg文件内,然后保存重启。 然后是在moonraker.conf文件内添加下面的语句; [file_manager] enable_object_processing: True 注:这个是Mainsail管网给出的语句格式,Fluidd官网给出的语句格式是enable_object_processing: True[fil...
objects: An array of the known objects as provided by the EXCLUDE_OBJECT_DEFINE command. This is the same information provided by the EXCLUDE_OBJECT VERBOSE=1 command. The center and polygon fields will only be present if provided in the original EXCLUDE_OBJECT_DEFINE Here is a JSON ...
Enable file processing for exclude object for adaptive probing and purging. Edit moonraker.conf to include object processing [file_manager] enable_object_processing: True Enable object lable in the slicer Update scripts/generate-belt-tension-graph.sh, scripts/generate-shaper-graph-x.sh, scripts/...
'exclude_object', 'manual_probe', ] klipperscreendir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve() def set_text_direction(lang=None): rtl_languages = ['he'] if lang is None: for lng in rtl_languages: if locale.getlocale()[0].startswith(lng): ...
enable_object_processing: True 如果里面有了这句,后面是FALSE,改成True。保存,还要改其他文件,暂时不要保存并重启。 然后再打开printer.cfg这个你最爱也最恨的配置文件。 在里面加一行: [exclude_object] 然后保存并重启,并重启你的上位机。 好了,一切都搞定了。如果没有问题。重启后开锅打印吧。
[exclude_object] [gcode_macro CANCEL_PRINT] description: Cancel the actual running print rename_existing: CANCEL_PRINT_BASE gcode: TURN_OFF_HEATERS CANCEL_PRINT_BASE G1 X10 F3000 M84 M106 S0 ### # 断料检测 ### # [filament_switch_sensor fila] # pause_on_runout: True#当设置为 "True "...
Malformed command 'EXCLUDE_OBJECT_DEFINE NAME=2023-09-05_16-54-54___Max's_Shroud.stl_id_0_copy_0 CENTER=175,175 POLYGON=[[35,175],[35.0001,174.824],[35.0005,174.628],[35.0011,174.435],[35.002,174.244],[35.0032,174.057],[35.1332,168.893],[35.5327,162.798],[36.1977,156.726],[37.1269,150....
EXCLUDE_OBJECT_DEFINE NAME=<object name> [CENTER=x,y] [POLYGON=[[x,y],...]] The NAME must be unique and consistent throughout the file. CENTER is the center location for the mesh, used to show on interfaces where and object being canceled is on the bed. POLYGON is a series of po...
If you're using SuperSlicer you can add the following immediately before thePRINT_STARTline from above. This will perform some added bounds checking and will allow you to use the random print relocation feature without requiringexclude_objectentries in the print file. ...