其次,再到printer.cfg中随便找个地方加上[exclude_object],添加完后保存 找个位置添加[exclude_object] 最后...请务必完整重启(比如ssh终端输入reboot)你的上位机,才能使功能完整生效 (其实就是因为之前和 @残念です 折腾了半天发现cura切片出来始终没法生效,但是用prusa就行,最后是靠重启解决的..) 到这里就没啥...
Cura 只需设置缩略图尺寸不高于400X400即可,推荐400X300,其他不需要特别设置。 注:无论您用的哪种切片软件,在启用标注模型功能之前的所有切片文件都不能启用“排除对象功能”。 下面就是配置Klipper固件 我们需要按照官网的说明,将“[exclude_object]”添加至我们的printer.cfg文件内,然后保存重启。 然后是在moonraker...
This preprocessor modifies GCode files to add klipper's exclude object gcode. The following slicers are supported: SuperSlicer PrusaSlicer Slic3r Cura IdeaMaker Installation and usage SuperSlicer, PrusaSlicer, and Slic3r Download the provided binary for your platform from the git releases page, and...
If you're using SuperSlicer you can add the following immediately before thePRINT_STARTline from above. This will perform some added bounds checking and will allow you to use the random print relocation feature without requiringexclude_objectentries in the print file. ...
enable_object_processing: True 如果里面有了这句,后面是FALSE,改成True。保存,还要改其他文件,暂时不要保存并重启。 然后再打开printer.cfg这个你最爱也最恨的配置文件。 在里面加一行: [exclude_object] 然后保存并重启,并重启你的上位机。 好了,一切都搞定了。如果没有问题。重启后开锅打印吧。
This will perform some added bounds checking and will allow you to use the random print relocation feature without requiring exclude_object entries in the print file. PRINT_START_SET MODEL_MIN={bounding_box[0]},{bounding_box[1]} MODEL_MAX={bounding_box[3]},{bounding_box[4]} End G-...
from preprocess_cancellation import preprocess_cura, preprocess_ideamaker, preprocess_m486, preprocess_slicer gcode_path = pathlib.Path("./GCode") def collect_definitions(lines): definitions = set() for line in lines: if line.startswith("DEFINE_OBJECT"): if line.startswith("EXCLUDE_OBJECT_DEFINE...
msgid "Exclude Object" msgstr "Atmesti objektą" @@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ msgid "It's possible that the configuration is not correct" msgstr "Gali būti, kad konfigūracija neteisinga" msgid "Job Status" msgstr "" msgstr "Darbo statusas" msgid "Klipper Restart" msgstr "Perkrauti K...
其次,再到printer.cfg中随便找个地方加上[exclude_object],添加完后保存 找个位置添加[exclude_object] 最后...请务必完整重启(比如ssh终端输入reboot)你的上位机,才能使功能完整生效 (其实就是因为之前和 @残念です 折腾了半天发现cura切片出来始终没法生效,但是用prusa就行,最后是靠重启解决的..) ...