所以KL散度也称作相对熵。关于KL Divergence还有许多其他的应用,待补充。 4. 交叉熵损失函数 我们从上面立刻能看出,其实KL散度相对熵才是我们想要优化的目标。因为它越小表示我们的预测越准。那为什么使用交叉熵作为损失函数呢?因为 H(P) 为真实信息量,通常不变,因此我们只需要优化交叉熵 H(P, Q) 就可以了,故...
KL divergence is nonnegative, when P and Q are the same distribution,DKL(P,Q)=0DKL(P,Q)=0 4. Cross-entropy H(A,B)=−∑iPA(xi)log(PB(xi))H(A,B)=−∑iPA(xi)log(PB(xi)) Cross entropy is a widely used loss function in classification questions. Same with KL divergence,...
class LigerKLDivLossFunction(torch.autograd.Function): """ Class implementing the forward and backward pass for the KL Divergence Loss using Triton, as defined by the following formula: ```python if log_target: loss = target * (target.log() - input) else: loss = target.exp() * (target...
3. KL divergence Very First, we should be clear that A, B in $D_{KL}$ points at the same random variable X (X~A, X~B) Then, we should know the function of KL divergence, or KL distance. KL divergence represents the information loss generated by using a choosen distribution B to...
Summary Implements KL Divergence loss function custom kernel. Resolves #188 . Testing Done Implemented tests that cross-check the results of the forward/backward pass compared to torch.nn.KLDivLoss...
https://dibyaghosh.com/blog/probability/kldivergence.htmldibyaghosh.com/blog/probability/kldivergence.html Considering formula: Reverse KL (RKL) is defined as: Forward KL (FKL) is defined as: In KD, P typically refers to the output of the teacher model and Q is the output of the stu...
List of mathematical abbreviations From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 数学缩写列表 维基百科,自由的百科全书 This article is a listing of abbreviated names of mathema
Yes I can build a simple function that returns the value of a Monte carlo estimator for the KL divergence between two Gaussian Mixtures evaluated at one point. But for integration in a tf neural net I would need more than that, I would need a loss function that takes as inputs trainable...