(5)实验研究的材料,不大可能是纯粹的Kitaev (K)体系,海森堡交换耦合(J)与非对角交换作用(Γ)也需要考虑。Egger他们正是基于这一实验考量,发展了较为完备的JKΓ哈密顿模型(他们称之为extended Kitaev model)。了不起之处在于,虽然这样的完备模型不可能像纯粹的Kitaev模型那样能...
^J. Nasu, Y. Kato, Y. Kamiya, and Y. Motome, Successive Majorana topological transitions driven by a magnetic field in the Kitaev model, Phys. Rev. B 98, 060416(R) (2018) ^D. C. Ronquillo, A. Vengal, and N. Trivedi, Signatures of magnetic-field-driven quantum phase transitions ...
12,912(2016) ^Nasu,Udagawa,Motome,Thermal fractionalization of quantum spins in a Kitaev model: Temperature-linear specific heat and coherent transport of Majorana fermions,Phys.Rev.B 92,115122(2015) 发布于 2023-10-02 20:08・IP 属地甘肃...
(B) Visons in an AA stacked Kitaev model. (C) Dynamics of vison pairs - AB stacking.作为结语,我们看到,对存在层间海森堡弱耦合的蜂窝晶格中 Kitaev 低能激发动力学,科隆大学 Achim Rosch 他们进行了视角独到的理论探索,揭示了其中拓扑激发单元 (vison, vison pair) 的运动...
1) Kitaev model Kitaev模型 1. Kitaev model and topological quantum phase transitions; Kitaev模型与拓扑量子相变 2) Model-Model 模型-模型 3) mode [英][məʊd] [美][mod] 模型 1. A mode of artificial wetland for wastewater treatment in Guangchang County; 广昌县人工湿地污水处理模型...
Heisenberg-Kitaev model on hyper-honeycomb lattice. arXiv:1308.6592 (2013).Eric Kin-Ho Lee, Robert Schaffer, Subhro Bhattacharjee, and Yong Baek Kim. Heisenberg-kitaev model on the hyperhoneycomb lattice. Physical Review B, 89(4):045117, 2014....
(Dated: October 22, 2018)In the f i rst part of this paper, we study the spin-S Kitaev model using spin wave theory. Wediscover a remarkable geometry of the minimum energy surface in the N-spin space. The classicalground states, called Cartesian or CN-ground states, whose number grows...
A notable exception is the exactly solvable Kitaev model, in which spin degrees of freedom fractionalize into Majorana fermions and a Z(2) gauge field. Here, we discuss the physics of fractionalization in three-dimensional Kitaev models and demonstrate that the itinerant Majorana fermions ...
We also conjecture that some of the confinement-deconfinement transitions in the model, predicted to be first order within the mean-field theory, may become second order via a defect condensation mechanism.doi:10.48550/arXiv.0903.3785S. Mandal...
Kitaev model 19 3.1 Monster 2-BF theory on the Drinfel'd double 2-bialgebra DpBM q 19 3.1.1 ZKit as a topological nonlinear σ-model 20 3.1.2 Classification of 4d topological phases with a single pointlike Z2-charge 21 3.2 Anomaly-freeness of the 4d spin-Kitaev model 22 4 ...