In this paper, we study the Loschmidt Echo (LE) of a two-dimensional Kitaev model residing on a honeycomb lattice which is chosen to be an environment that is coupled globally to a central spin. The decay of LE is highly influenced by the quantum criticality of the environmental spin model...
The Kitaev-Heisenberg (KH) model has been proposed to capture magnetic interactions in iridate Mott insulators on the honeycomb lattice. We show that analogous interactions arise in many other geometries built from edge-sharing IrO_6 octahedra, including the pyrochlore and hyperkagome lattices relevant...
Kitaev model 19 3.1 Monster 2-BF theory on the Drinfel'd double 2-bialgebra DpBM q 19 3.1.1 ZKit as a topological nonlinear σ-model 20 3.1.2 Classification of 4d topological phases with a single pointlike Z2-charge 21 3.2 Anomaly-freeness of the 4d spin-Kitaev model 22 4 ...
Full-Text Cite this paper Add to My Lib Abstract: The Kitaev-Heisenberg (KH) model has been proposed to capture magnetic interactions in iridate Mott insulators on the honeycomb lattice. We show that analogous interactions arise in many other geometries built from edge-sharing IrO_6 octahedra...
In this paper we have studied the edge modes of a finite size Kitaev model on a square lattice. The advantage of studying the finite system is that the obtained result can be demonstrated in synthetic lattice system. We studied the Majorana edge modes for the Kitaev model in a cylindrical ...
In this paper, we only consider repulsive nearest neighbor interaction with U ≥ 0. When U = 0, this model will reduce to the usual (non-interacting) Kitaev chain7. The Hamiltonian has the fermion number parity \({Z}_{2}^{f}\) symmetry, which is defined as $${Z}_{2}^...
The higher-spin Kitaev magnets, in which the Kitaev interaction and off-diagonal exchange couplings are overwhelmingly large, have emerged as a fertile avenue to explore exotic phases and unusual excitations. In this paper, we study the quantum phase diagram of the spin-1 Kitaev-螕 model on ...
30 Oct 2019 · Yingfei Gu, Alexei Kitaev, Subir Sachdev, Grigory Tarnopolsky · Edit social preview We describe numerous properties of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model for complex fermions with N≫1 flavors and a global U(1) charge. We provide a general definition of the charge in the (G,...
The Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model, in its simplest form, describes $k$ Majorana fermions with random all-to-all four-body interactions. We consider the SYK model in the framework of a many-body Altland-Zirnbauer classification that sees the system as belonging to one of eight (real) symme...
Kitaev-Heisenberg- J 2 - J 3 model for the iridates A 2 IrO 3 A Kitaev-Heisenberg-J_2-J_3 model is proposed to describe the Mott-insulating layered iridates A_2IrO_3 (A = Na, Li). The model is a combination of the Kit... I Kimchi,YZ You - 《Physical Review》 被引量: 0...