今天写有关板壳理论的第一节,有关各向同性薄板的小挠度弯曲的模型建立。也就是基于 Kirchhoff 计算假定的应用弹性力学的薄板问题的建模。 特别地,这次会从真实结果出发,反推应用弹性力学的简化建模是否合理。 一、从真实结果出发,深入解读 Kirchhoff 计算假定: 真实结果表明: σx,σy,τxy,τxz,τyz,σz 这六...
Kirchhoff-Love Plate Theory: First-Order Analysis, Second-Order Analysis, Plate Buckling Analysis and Vibration Analysis Using the Finite Difference MethodFogang, ValentinIUP Journal of Structural Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(12372086) 陕西省自然科学基金(2023-JC-QN-0010) 中央高校基本科研业务费(300102123106)资助。 关键词 超弹性 板壳 相场 断裂 等几何分析 hyperelastic plate and shell phase field fracture isogeometric analysis 分类号 O341 [理学—固体力学] 登录...
In the present paper the problem of synthesizing an electrically dissipative PEM Kirchhoff–Love (K–L) plate by using completely passive electric elements is addressed. This is done by using a discrete form of the Lagrange functional governing the motion of a K–L plate by a finite difference...
The Kirchhoff-Love theory also known as the classical plate theory (CPT) is based on three basic assumptions. First, the plate is assumed to be inextensible in the transverse direction ɛzz=0 so w=woxy. Then, it is assumed that the transverse shear deformations are negligible ɛxz=0,...
By letting the thickness of the plates go to zero, a rate-independent delamination model for a laminated Kirchhoff-Love plate is obtained as limit of these quasistatic processes. The same dimension reduction procedure is eventually applied to processes which are sensitive to delamination modes, ...
Alessandrini, GiovanniRosset, EdiVessella, SergioSpringerArchive for Rational Mechanics and AnalysisAl-Ro-Ve] G. Alessandrini, E. Rosset, S. Vessella, Optimal three spheres inequality at the boundary for the Kirchhoff-Love plate's equations with Dirichlet conditions, submitted (2018), arXiv:...
In the paper, we consider a boundary value problem for an elastic plate with a thin rigid inclusion in a non-coercive case. Both vertical and horizontal displacements of the plate are considered in the frame of the considered model. The inclusion is assumed to be delaminated from the plate ...
in the plate model approximations. We then say that the plate model is convergent (or convergence with order p) with respect to this sequence of loads and this norm or seminorm, if this corresponding relative error quantity tends to zero with ǫ (with order p). In this paper we prove ...
Powell-Sabin B-splines and unstructured standard T-splines for the solution of the Kirchhoff-Love plate theory exploiting Bézier extraction de Borst, Powell-Sabin B-splines and unstructured T-splines for the solution of Kirchhoff-Love plate theory exploiting Be´zier extraction, Int. J. ... S...