Article on WiKirby Kirby Kirby (カービィ, Kirby) is the eponymous protagonist of the Kirby series. A round, pink creature hailing from Planet Popstar, he is best known for his ability to inhale enemies and copy their abilities, and uses these powers to defend his homeland from various thr...
In Kirby Star Allies, Yggy Woods and Parallel Woods drop Blados from their canopies. Dropped Blados fall quickly to the ground, then spin along the ground when leaving the area. This marks their first appearance in a main series title. ...
Spinni in Kirby Star AlliesIn Kirby Star Allies, Spinni appears as part of Daroach's moveset, when he uses the appropriately-named 'Summon Spinni' technique. When called, Spinni runs forward, jumping over gaps, attacking enemies or objects in the way with his claw, and will also turn when...
WiKirby has Kracko and Kracko Jr's pages split. I will give this some thought. Paul2 Walky, at your service! 19:13, February 12, 2015 (UTC) I say we keep the page as is. He's been appeared about as many times as Dedede and Whispy, so he deserves a long page. Aside from ...
wikirby article: Mario Kirby Meisaku Video Kirby appears in Mario Kirby Meisaku Video with his own story, where he helps a little lost dog find its mother, who was allegedly kidnapped by King Dedede. Super Smash Bros. series[edit] Super Smash Bros.[edit] Super Smash Bros. fighterKirby ...
The Star Rod, also referred to as the Star Wand or Wand, is an item from the Kirby series. It has appeared in Super Mario-kun a few times: In volume 7, the Star Rod is one of the items stolen by the collector, and in volume 9, a Star Rod is used by...
Image via Wikirby Because Fecto Forgo can affect beings through their dreams, it can be inferred that the Star Rod and the Fountain of Dreams are results made from the experimentation on the creature, although altered to give people good dreams instead of brainwashing them. We can also guess ...
On top of that, the game also contains data for Light-Speed Dash, a move that wouldn't be introduced until Kirby Star Allies, there being part of the Plasma ability's moveset.[1] The Spark-Nago combination from Kirby's Dream Land 3 is one of very few instances where an elemental Copy...
Geokinesis is a special Friend Ability in Kirby Star Allies which allows ESP Kirby or NESP to pick up a Friend with a Stone form (Stone Kirby, Rocky, Gooey, or Rick), then drop them in stone form using psychic force. To activate this ability, the ESP-wielding ally must hold up their...
In Kirby Star Allies, Waddle Dees can be found in every level of the game except for the Fortress of Shadows: Jambastion. This is because the Jambastion has Jambelievers, which are similar to Waddle Dees in that they have no attack and provide no copy ability. In Kirby Star Allies, ...