Use Friend Hearts to charm enemies, for a party of up to four characters. Combine and conquer Share elemental powers and abilities to level-up skills or create additional Friend Abilities. Friend Actions Climb onto a Friend Circle with three in-game pals to perform a spectacular feat of friend...
Kirby retains his traditional moves; the Inhale, Star Spit, Slide attack, Air Gun, and floating. The game is a 2.5D platformer, meaning that the characters move on a two-dimensional plane in a 3D environment. Two game mechanics return from previous installments of the Kirby series; those...
Use Friend Hearts to charm enemies, for a party of up to four characters. Dream Friends Dream Friends are special playable characters who can fight alongside Kirby. Each time he visits the Dream Palace, Kirby can recruit one Dream Friend, allowing you to add classic characters from across the...
Some stories directly tie into the main plot of the game while others are side plots showing what the characters have been up to since their last appearance in the series. Choice Arena[] Choice Arena is KSAU's equivalent of The Ultimate Choice from the original Kirby Star Allies. As the...
Looks like Kirby's copied a bunch of hidden characters! In Luigi's hat, he can shoot green Fireballs, while copying Mewtwo gives him the power to throw Shadow Balls. Copying Mr. Game & Watch lets Kirby hurl sausages, and doing the same to Jigglypuff earns him a Rollout move. Marth's...
Magolor's battle theme was reused in Kirby Star Allies, where it plays when viewing the Kirby's Return to Dream Land art in the art gallery. Parts of Magolor's second form theme, "C-R-O-W-N-E-D", interpolate the themes for Green Greens and "Kirby's Triumphant Return" (from Kirby...
Magolor is one of 256 keychains found in the game, being the 254th one. He is the only keychain from Kirby's Return to Dream Land. Magolor is seen among other characters such as Marx and Galacta Knight in the cutscene "Kirby Master!" which is earned by completing the game 100%.Dede...
But this time, he’s not alone. Recruit enemies by hitting them with hearts, and gather helpers for a party of up to four characters. On top of that, you can join with up to three friends for a different kind of team-up action! Features: - Recruit up to three enemies as helpers ...
Kirby Star Allies (Nintendo Switch) (2018) Other media Kirby 3D (2009/2012) Kirby of the Stars anime on Wii no Ma (2009-2010) Kirby TV Channel (2011-2012) Kirby: Right Back at Ya! Kirby: Right Back at Ya! (ABC Kids version) Characters Main Article: Kirby/Characters/Gallery Parodies...
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