1 The Church and the Kingdom 教會和國度 (Matt.太 6:9-10; 16:16-19; 18:17-18)I. The Eternal Purpose of God 神永遠的心意神永遠的心意 A. Creating man in His image and likeness 按着祂的形像與樣式造人 (Gen.創 1:26-27)1. For the expression of His glory 為着彰顯祂的榮耀...
Kingdom of God and the church as theme; Centrality of the theme in the teaching of Jesus; Spiritual, sociological and missionary nature of the Christian church; Expansion of the church.EkstromSwedishBertilSwedishEvangelical Review of Theology
我要写书评 The Teaching Of Jesus Concerning The Kingdom Of God And The Church (1903)的书评 ··· ( 全部0 条 ) 论坛 ··· 在这本书的论坛里发言 + 加入购书单 谁读这本书? ··· HarTzion 2012年4月21日 想读 > 1人想读 二手市场 ··· 在豆瓣转让 有1人想读,手里有一...
This congregation believes that Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord; that the Holy Scriptures are the inspired Word of God; that the church is a fellowship of redeemed sinners who through grace, love, and the power of the Holy Spirit are a caring...
英汉双语小故事:上帝之国 Kingdom of God 亦称“天国”(Kingdom of Heaven) 基督教用语,上帝以王者身分统治或最后实现上帝对世界之意志的神灵国度。上帝之国一词常用于《新约》,也是施洗者圣约翰与耶稣布道过程的中心主题。对于耶稣意指王国随祂而来或被预期为未来事件,神学家们持不同意见。如今,基督教正统派坚持...
还没人写过短评呢 我要写书评 The Teaching of Jesus Concerning the Kingdom of God and the Church...的书评 ··· ( 全部0 条 ) 论坛 ··· 在这本书的论坛里发言 + 加入购书单 谁读这本书? ··· 二手市场 ··· 在豆瓣转让 手里有一本闲着? 订阅关于The Teaching of Jesus...
the New Testament, primarily used byJesus Christ in the first three Gospels. It is generally considered to be the central theme of Jesus’ teaching, but widely differing views have been held about Jesus’ teaching on the Kingdom of God and its relation to the developed view of the church....
建立 登入 答案 "Christians , on pilgrimage toward the heavenly city should seek and think of these things which are above" christians believe that life is a pilgrimage towards heaven , and they should strive for this destination through their daily actions. Life is a journey towards God and th...
上帝之国 Kingdom of God (单词翻译:单击) 亦称“天国”(Kingdom of Heaven) 基督教用语,上帝以王者身分统治或最后实现上帝对世界之意志的神灵国度。上帝之国一词常用于《新约》,也是施洗者圣约翰与耶稣布道过程的中心主题。对于耶稣意指王国随祂而来或被预期为未来事件,神学家们持不同意见。如今,基督教正统派...